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Hank Fist
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Post by Hank Fist » Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:40 am

Someone watch this on YouTube then tell me about it. Just search "Fitna".

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Re: Fitna

Post by Wheatstache » Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:09 pm

I watched it. It made me fairly angry. But I don't think it's the whole story on Islam obviously. Pretty crazy audio and video though. There's some gruesome audio from a beheading (no video of the actual beheading) and footage from the train bombing in Spain (could have been the Tube bombing in London- not sure.)
It's pretty moving and, like I said, made me pretty angry- but that's simply watching it in and of itself. I'm not sure how it fits into the big picture of Islam.

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Re: Fitna

Post by Hank Fist » Tue Apr 08, 2008 1:05 pm

Yeah, I probably won't be able to check it out until i get access to a decent connection. I was curious if it was totally anti-islam or just trying to expose the hypocracy of the islamic extremists. I wonder if the filmmaker can avoid a gruesome end himself.

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Re: Fitna

Post by Wheatstache » Tue Apr 08, 2008 1:37 pm

Hank Fist wrote:Yeah, I probably won't be able to check it out until i get access to a decent connection. I was curious if it was totally anti-islam or just trying to expose the hypocracy of the islamic extremists. I wonder if the filmmaker can avoid a gruesome end himself.
It's pretty anti-Islam, but I think it's mostly intended for militant Islam. I could see a case made for either though, so I guess it depends on your perspective.
As far as the producer's fate, not sure. Pretty bold move on his part though.

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Re: Fitna

Post by El Rhino » Tue Apr 08, 2008 4:51 pm

I only watched a couple minutes of it, but I get the point. A lot of highly-charged Korean verses and video clips of A-rabs blowing shit up and footage of the aftermath.

Is it "fair and balanced"? No. Is it similar to something an American neo-con would put out about immigration, "They're not all bad, most of them are good people but <insert meat & potatoes here> but they're not all bad! I'm nto racist or nothin'!"? No.

This dude just wanted to show the viewer what he believes Europe is in store for as long as they keep allowing immigrants from the Middle East to come. The Dutch will be a minority in their own country very, very soon if they keep going at the same pace. England, France and Germany are just behind them. Projections estimate Denmark will be majority Muslim by 2080. So yeah, a lot of people are spooked over there.

Hopefully this guy doesn't have the same fate as the last two prominent people who spoke out against the Muslims in the Netherlands, Pim Fortuyn and Theo Van Gogh (yes, he was related to someone famous).

It's kind of funny that when people put out shit like this (admittedly to stir up trouble) and you hear "Islam is a religion of peace" and "They're probably going to kill him" pretty much within the same breath from the nay-sayers.

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Re: Fitna

Post by Hank Fist » Wed Apr 23, 2008 9:56 am

OK, some saudi arabian made a movie in retaliation. Youtube search "Schism".
I think that's how you spell it. Apparently, everything America does is in the name of Christianity.

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Re: Fitna

Post by El Rhino » Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:10 am

Just a few quick notes here:

In that first scene with the herd of sheep by the side of the road, that's a flash-bang grenade, not a frag grenade. Pretty much all that thing does is make a loud noise and a bit of a concussion if set off in a room, no shrapnel or anything. It's used to stun, it's not considered a lethal/offensive weapon. I doubt any sheep were harmed. Definitely a dickhead move, but it's not as bad as it looks. I once saw some Iraqis hit a herd of sheep with a mortar though, that was pretty fucked up.

Blowing up mosques isn't an everyday occurance by any means. We generally have very strict orders to not go anywhere near mosques or harm them in any way. Textbook procedure for taking fire from a mosque is to hang out, contain them and call in the Iraqi Army/Police to enter the mosque. Unfortunately they do take advantage of our good nature. A friend of mine was recently shot by some asshole in a mosque. Don't worry, he's ok.

Those soldiers beating on what appears to be children were British and Iraqi. Many Iraqis are very small, so they could be adults but probably not. I'm sure they did something to deserve it, honestly.

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Re: Fitna

Post by Hank Fist » Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:36 pm

storkus wrote:
Hank Fist wrote:OK, some saudi arabian made a movie in retaliation. Youtube search "Schism".
I think that's how you spell it. Apparently, everything America does is in the name of Christianity.
Micah must listen to NPR at the same time I do.
yes, driving late to work while drinking a cappa out of my NPR mug.

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