Places and Times to Mosh in the Near Future

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Into Eternity and Dark Mirror- VAUDVILLE MEWS

Post by DARKBASS » Tue Mar 04, 2008 3:56 pm

Monday MARCH 31st!!








If you would like to get a hold of us the best way is through a myspace message currently....or through

first off, both our sites are still a little out of whack, this one is bogged down with junk/spam/ whatever you want to call it, the little joys of the internet......

and our other site is currently switched to: due to our last web host being a piece of golden glowing shit.....

and it is in need of a REHAUL, that shit is out of style yo.....I dont tell me or I will pull a Glen Danzig on your ass........(and get myself knocked the fuck out)

we will be playing at the Vaudville Mews on Monday, March 31st in Des Moines, Iowa....

and it will be great to be back there, the last time me and the wickerman were there we played a riveting cover of the song Motorbreath, (bringing in people walking by the establishment in from the street) who knows what is in store this time.....

but anyway it is 10 bones to get in, mainly because we are opening for a band you may......(unless you like shitty music) have heard of....

INTO ETERNITY, we have played with those cats before and they will surely melt your face......
they deliver...
a very nice mix of progressive, power, and death metal if you ask me......


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Re: Into Eternity and Dark Mirror- VAUDVILLE MEWS

Post by Joe » Tue Mar 04, 2008 6:11 pm

Last time I saw Into Eternity (they played with Destruction in Omaha, don't think I'd go to that show just to see Into Eternity) they monitor checked for 20~25 minutes.

No fucking joke.


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Re: Into Eternity and Dark Mirror- VAUDVILLE MEWS

Post by DARKBASS » Thu Mar 06, 2008 12:03 pm

yo joe......

I could see them doing that......

the last time we played with them they had sound check at 4pm in the afternoon, before the venue opened......

so it must have been the venues decision to have them sound check right before they played......

also I imagine they have found ways around that, because I dont think anyone would put up with that on their last tour........they were playing before Dream Theater

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Re: Into Eternity and Dark Mirror- VAUDVILLE MEWS

Post by DARKBASS » Thu Mar 06, 2008 1:44 pm


Oh yeah, here is my band......Dark Mirror!

We have played all over Iowa, and now finally here and there in the midwest.....Omaha, St. Paul, Rochester, Milwaukee.....our next stop is hopefully a few nights in Chicago.....

So I guess by that token, we are currently a "regional band", but I could really give two shits about what people call us, and we really do love Des Moines. Two of us grew up there......(and were part of many different bands there from our time in middle school through high school) I am fine with all the venues there, and if I had to pick a favorite personally I would say blues on grand, I wish we had some more blues in us so we could play there! heh......


This is me playing bass opening up for Overkill! (a band I like and respect alot)

I was recently met with some animosity at a Des Moines show about how I abandoned the ole 515 crew......

I could really give a shit about people who do not know me judging me, but I figure I might as well set the record straight.

um I do not quite sure know what I did........but I grew up near Hoover High School which I attended a long with Central Academy and Campus courses, I went to Woodlawn Elementary, and Meredith Middle School....

I left Des Moines after high school graduation to pursue my education at the University of Northern Iowa......and this is my fourth year and I am graduating in the spring, with high hopes to finally dedicate even more amounts of time to my band, as well as to get us on our first national tour. I have been working at the Reverb (a great rock n roll and heavy metal venue), and working as a overnight dj at KUNI Iowa Public Radio, I also manage the UNI student radio station KULT. (if any bands want potential airplay on any of these outlets just let message me and I will get you some info)

As for Dark Mirror, we just finished a new E.P., of which I am very excited for and proud of, Chris Brown from the Beatstrings, and I are working on production and the mix right now.....
We would have loved to play Des Moines more often, but unfortunately we have all had to take heavy work schedules to pay for our equipment, instrument upkeep, practice space, and recording ventures, and also unfortunately we make more money at our jobs then we do out gigging while stuck in Cedar Falls, which the Reverb is great but we do not want to play their every night! we wanna play new places, WHICH I WOULD DO EVERY DAMN NIGHT, as soon as it is humanly possible for us to do so(IN A FEW MONTHS)

We have also dealt with things including but not limiting too: bouts of insanity, stupid band rivalries taken to ridiculous proportions, jail time, heartbreakin' devil women, sexual addiction, getting robbed, getting had, getting took, spinal tap like drummer moments, and the stigma of playing a type of music that a lot of people pass judgment about......and you know what I have loved every minute of it!!!

if you have never heard our music or have not checked our band out lately: go to

hope you enjoy the tunes, our new music will be up in the next month or so and both our sites should be revamped by then as well.
Last edited by DARKBASS on Sat Mar 15, 2008 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Into Eternity and Dark Mirror- VAUDVILLE MEWS

Post by DARKBASS » Sat Mar 15, 2008 5:29 pm

This one is called Nightmares!

Yeah, Ive heard it before, I know the main riff came from a Pud song, it happened to be the only example of Erics guitar playing I had on me, when I met Alonso years ago, he sang over it and I said, It was actually how me and Alonso formed Dark Mirror....I SAID WAIT WE GOTTA USE THAT! SO WE DID, this is a gazillion times better and a gazillion times more legitimate then the Pud song(in my humble opinion) ... re=related

here's us covering an Anthrax song we like a lot....

don't tell Billy Milano

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Re: Into Eternity and Dark Mirror- VAUDVILLE MEWS

Post by DARKBASS » Sat Mar 15, 2008 5:41 pm

I find this quite amusing as well......

I think they kick all kind of ass......
It is an honor to share another bill with them.....

also this song killed me last time we played with them:

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Re: Into Eternity and Dark Mirror- VAUDVILLE MEWS

Post by DARKBASS » Sat Mar 29, 2008 10:17 am

Well seeing as this show is Monday night......

here are some sweet Into Eternity vidz for those who do not know them......

Not my personal faves from them, but still good tunes......

you can get tickets here: ... f7bdc54667&

Oh yeah, I hear some baller from Des Moines is in one of the opening bands for this show......

I think the bands name is Dork Mirror or something like that..... :wink:

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Re: Into Eternity and Dark Mirror- VAUDVILLE MEWS

Post by jjjsXe » Sun Mar 30, 2008 10:42 am

hey, did i meet you at the pink elephant thing last night? i was the guy with the suicidal tendencies shirt sitting in the corner eating grapes the whole time. sup?
abortions for some, miniature american flags for others

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Re: Into Eternity and Dark Mirror- VAUDVILLE MEWS

Post by DARKBASS » Sun Mar 30, 2008 1:12 pm

oh shiat......

you sure did

hey dude.......

that place is ballin', so many great artists in one place, I did not know who to give my next idea to first!

but in honor of our conversation........

one sick suicipsycho groove

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