DaVo wrote:
I don't know which is funnier, the fact that you keep posting your resume to impress me and a group of people that you continue to describe as stupid or the fact that it's so easy to get your panties in a bunch. You left yourself wide open with the teaching reference, it's was an easy target and I got the reaction I figured I'd get. More about how clueless I was and how great you are. By the way, I've never heard of ISU being known for it's music program but then again it's not really something I've spent much time looking into.
I could list a dozen schools here with highly respected music programs and you would've never even heard of them. That's not even something I would discuss with you because it's so beyond you.
The fact is that teaching and touring with band that isn't even on the first page of a google search doesn't make you anything more than a struggling musician at best. Oh and it doesn't impress me in the least. I don't care what you did in the isolation of your school. The fact is that school doesn't create artists or new ideas, schools tend to only give the technique and tools or more often create falsely created big egos and general tools.
If your attitude in the real world is anything like what it is on here, you are going to fail. See your attitude expresses a false and weak level of success. If this is any expression of how you teach, you must really suck at it. You know while we or at least I am on the subject of teaching, I have to say that I have seen a great deal of people with huge amounts of ability and education that couldn't write a song to save their life but I've seen a number of terrible to average musician that could write very creatively great songs. Why is that? Were they so caught up in the mechanics and aping other better artist that they lost their own voice or creativity. Or maybe they didn't have any in the first place and really are doing nothing but mimicking their heroes?
I leave with one last thought because I know you love it when I share my little pearls of wisdom. Someone a long time ago told me this and I've found it true time and time again. "Always support talented people because the untalented will always make it on their own." aka "Shit will always float to the top."
Yap yap yap. That's what every non-proficient musician says. "You're good at your instrument so you can't write music." So true. It's a commonly well-known fact that people who are proficient and technically gifted musicians can not write music. Only shitty musicians can write music. Mozart and Beethoven were both child prodigies and we all know that they wrote some of the worst music ever that's ever disgraced the planet. The same can be said of nearly every top-tier, second-tier, and even third-tier level composers. Let's face it, John Petrucci is a great guitar player but he could never write a song to save his life. You know, because you don't like that style of music. That's why he can't write. The White Stripes- pioneers. Now THAT'S what I call music vol. 354.
Your argument is such a tired cliche'. I wasn't even aware people still tried to get away with that. What a pathetic attempt- coincidentally the same phrase I would use to describe your life.
joseph wrote:
when is your next show? what tour are you playing on? what band are you in? whats your website?
and did you compare your teaching to steve vai? and you are trying to call out Matt? (and kylerv isnt the kyle your referring to)
My next show is tomorrow (srs), but more importantly- Why the fuck do you care? Get off my nuts dude. You ask more questions than a god damn woman.
MATT MUTT wrote:Kyle has nothing to do whit anyting.
I said what i said cus all the shit your spilling.
I do actually oppoligize about posting where you work though, that wasnt right.
You dragged him into with your stupid little quips.
MATT MUTT wrote:
He's not in a band, but he was in a band called "Serpents".
Didn't know you were such a fan. Glad to see you following my career so closely. You said two things in that sentence and managed to only get half of it right- how is that possible since you know so much about me? Much like with the rest of your diatribe, you're just talking out of your ass. I'll let you figure out which part is wrong.
Vag, I will most deffinatly come visit you at work! Infact I called there today to see when you worked next. Do you set your own hours, cus they couldn't tell me when you work next. I don't have anything personal aginst you. I dont care how big you are, I just wanna fight you cus then we'll be better friends. It's like when soldiers go to war and come back feeling like they know the people they fought beside better than the rest of the cevilians.
No you didn't. They know exactly when I'm there. My students don't call the store because they know better. If you actually did call, then they did their job by not telling you shit. I'm sure you think this is some hilarious internet hijinks with no repercussions and from the way it sounds, I wouldn't be surprised if you try to use that as a cop-out to smooth things over. And I'm here to tell you that's not going to happen.