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Pick one.

Because he's black.
Because he's a cop. ACAB!!!
Because he's black AND a cop.
Because of adverse socioeconomic conditions and racism.
Dat bitch be lyin! Maynard iz mah nigga!
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He was set up by the white establishment who hates to see a brotha succeed.
I'm going to say something stupid - see below.
Other - please explain.
Cluck cluck cluck.
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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Beaver » Tue Feb 09, 2010 8:06 pm

Im with Rhino on this.

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by robdigi » Tue Feb 09, 2010 9:13 pm

anyone care to address that the difference in percentage of white rapists vs black rapists (or murderers, thieves, whichever) is completely insignificant when compared to the entire population of either race? sure, according to your numbers there may be more black rapists than white rapists, but it is still incredibly unlikely you will ever encounter one in either population.

you're saying one small sliver of the black population is larger than a small sliver of the white population. so what? you're reaching pretty far if you think those numbers draw the conclusion that a black person is somehow genetically predisposed to crime.

crime closely follows economic conditions and social environment, far more than race. poor urban whites commit more crimes than wealthy whites. (as for impoverished west virginians or whatever example was mentioned earlier, less violent crime happens in poor rural areas because there is less opportunity.) poor urban blacks commit more crime than wealthy blacks. That's where the pattern lies. The largest black populations are centered in poor urban areas- where there is more opportunity and motivation to commit crime.

the question is why are these areas (black neighborhoods) so impoverished? it's not that black people refuse to get jobs... it's the lack of quality jobs in these areas- due to the fact that these neighborhoods were originally created out of segregation and racial tension dating back to times before blacks had the right to get a well paying job. cities still funnel maintenance funds to more affluent areas, thus the neighborhoods become run-down, and large businesses refuse to set up shop. it's a deep hole to dig out of.

as far as black culture being abrasive to people over the age of 25, that's just your personal opinion. white culture in america, especially musically, has often followed the lead of black artists and entertainers. you're misinformed if you think Lil Wayne or Kanye are the paragons of black culture. black folks over the age of 25 often don't like that kind of thing either.
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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Varg » Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:34 pm

robdigi wrote:
the question is why are these areas (black neighborhoods) so impoverished? it's not that black people refuse to get jobs... it's the lack of quality jobs in these areas- due to the fact that these neighborhoods were originally created out of segregation and racial tension dating back to times before blacks had the right to get a well paying job. cities still funnel maintenance funds to more affluent areas, thus the neighborhoods become run-down, and large businesses refuse to set up shop. it's a deep hole to dig out of.
Ever heard of a bike? Or even walking? There are jobs outside of the hood. lol, you make it sound like an internment camp they can't bust out of. Native Americans have it worse on reservations. but they're not ripping each other off and raping and pillaging. They understand they have a choice- stay on the rez on live in shit poverty or move somewhere that doesn't suck ass. And they don't bitch about the white-folk NEAR as much as blacky.
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Re: Poll Time.

Post by ilikehorses » Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:58 pm

Varg wrote:
robdigi wrote:
the question is why are these areas (black neighborhoods) so impoverished? it's not that black people refuse to get jobs... it's the lack of quality jobs in these areas- due to the fact that these neighborhoods were originally created out of segregation and racial tension dating back to times before blacks had the right to get a well paying job. cities still funnel maintenance funds to more affluent areas, thus the neighborhoods become run-down, and large businesses refuse to set up shop. it's a deep hole to dig out of.
Ever heard of a bike? Or even walking? There are jobs outside of the hood. lol, you make it sound like an internment camp they can't bust out of. Native Americans have it worse on reservations. but they're not ripping each other off and raping and pillaging. They understand they have a choice- stay on the rez on live in shit poverty or move somewhere that doesn't suck ass. And they don't bitch about the white-folk NEAR as much as blacky.
it has been well documented that people with "black sounding names" are considerably less likely to be called for an interview, even when more qualified. it has been well documented that more qualified people with darker skin, even with more experience, earn severely less than their less qualified, less experienced, lighter-skinned coworkers.
and if you read about the history of ghettos, they are great internment camps for dark-skinned individuals. they have a harder time getting mortgages for housing, loans, getting leases. they are consistently kept in "their" neighborhoods.
not that you have bothered to really look into the subject. you see your white, privileged life and think that you earned what you have. and i thought you were a christian? what was it that jesus said about helping others? ah, that doesn't matter.
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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Nick » Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:07 pm

ilikehorses wrote:it has been well documented that people with "black sounding names" are considerably less likely to be called for an interview, even when more qualified. it has been well documented that more qualified people with darker skin, even with more experience, earn severely less than their less qualified, less experienced, lighter-skinned coworkers.
and if you read about the history of ghettos, they are great internment camps for dark-skinned individuals. they have a harder time getting mortgages for housing, loans, getting leases. they are consistently kept in "their" neighborhoods.
not that you have bothered to really look into the subject. you see your white, privileged life and think that you earned what you have. and i thought you were a christian? what was it that jesus said about helping others? ah, that doesn't matter.
This is 100% true. I did a 19 page research paper on this exact topic for my Senior Seminar class in college. I should find it and post it on here. All my research proved that mortgage lending and housing discrimination are more significant with Blacks in the U.S. than any other race, even when they are just as qualified (or more qualified) for the loan(s) or leases than people of lighter skin. It only leads to more segregation and "ghettoization" of mostly urban cores of cities. It's pretty fucked the racism that runs through all socioeconomic aspects of the U.S.

I think Americans tend to be extremely narrow minded when they think about the scale of history. This country is only a couple hundred years old. Culturally speaking, we're a baby, but we think we're such hot shit that it feels like the U.S. has been around forever. It makes it very easy to forget that many of the black people we interact with today had parents or grandparents that had to drink from separate water fountains or sit at the back of the bus, and those people had grandparents who were fucking slaves. You can't expect complete cultural assimilation from a position of such extreme subjugation in the span of just a couple generations.

But people will still just revert to the easy excuse that all Blacks are lazy, no good criminals who would rather sit at home and collect a welfare check than go out and get a job or buy a home. In reality, they'd like to do these things like anybody else, but a good majority of the time, they aren't given the same opportunities as Whites or other minorities and are often given the shit end of the stick and treated differently because they are Black.

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Big Fat Retard » Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:46 pm

Varg wrote:Native Americans have it worse on reservations. but they're not ripping each other off and raping and pillaging. They understand they have a choice- stay on the rez on live in shit poverty or move somewhere that doesn't suck ass. And they don't bitch about the white-folk NEAR as much as blacky.
You obviously have never stayed on a reservation. Shit that happens on reservations rarely gets reported. You also have never got frunk with Indians on a reservation. They are always bitching about the white man.
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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Varg » Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:55 am

Big Fat Retard wrote: You obviously have never stayed on a reservation. Shit that happens on reservations rarely gets reported. You also have never got frunk with Indians on a reservation. They are always bitching about the white man.
You're wrong on both counts. Unless frunk is some gay term for getting high and fat. I took it to be a retarded typo for "drunk".
I know they bitch about white people, A LOT. That was the whole point, you retard. I had to spend much more time around them than you ever will.
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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Big Fat Retard » Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:30 am

Varg wrote:
Big Fat Retard wrote: You obviously have never stayed on a reservation. Shit that happens on reservations rarely gets reported. You also have never got frunk with Indians on a reservation. They are always bitching about the white man.
You're wrong on both counts. Unless frunk is some gay term for getting high and fat. I took it to be a retarded typo for "drunk".
I know they bitch about white people, A LOT. That was the whole point, you retard. I had to spend much more time around them than you ever will.
No, you're wrong on both counts

The Indians I know bitch way more about the white man than any black folks I know. Get them liquored up and alot of them started going on about the "White Devils"

I also know that I had no problem walking through black projects in Mpls, but there is no way in hell I would walk through The Little Earth Reservation in South Mpls without an Indian escort.

You ever had a Franklin Ave Cocktail?
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Re: Poll Time.

Post by joseph » Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:55 am

varg- you absolutely are wrong about reservations.

rhino- i think youre getting stuck on the "debate" of statistics. race or skin color or whatever isnt a cause for crime. its the other whatd you call it? "socieoeconomic condition"? that leads more to crime. using race as a predetermined percentage of crime is the same as using left handed or 20/20 vision. you cant(or shouldnt) use race as a stand alone statement of predetermined actions.

i know i dont talk well but using someones skin color to say theyre untrustworthy is a boneheaded idea.

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by inx515xhell » Wed Feb 10, 2010 6:04 pm

once again, not gonna read all this longwinded bs.
but srsly, the best part about being white in a black neighborhood is not being black.
i lived in the drake neighborhood for a few years and the best part about it was doing whatever the fuck we wanted to cuz the cops were busy busting crackheads and pushers.
...then again you're getting woke up once a month at 9am by some shirtless black dude trying to sell you a playstation in a plastic sack.

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by inx515xhell » Wed Feb 10, 2010 6:05 pm

^^that isn't to say that only blacks are crackheads and dealers, but in that area it def seems that way.

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by robdigi » Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:38 pm

The problem with basing your entire opinion of black people on the black people you see in Des Moines is that you only pay attention to the bad apples. There are so few black people in total that the only time your attention is drawn to them is when some crazy news story comes out of the Drake area.

I live in a neighborhood that is ~85% black. They're just regular people. They go to work. They take their kids to school in the morning. I'm usually the only white guy on the bus in the morning, but even the most thuggish looking dude will scoot over to make room in the seat next to him. The only people in the neighborhood who really cause trouble are teenagers... which is the case in nearly any neighborhood. I will say the advantage I have being white is that I'm completely off the gang violence radar. Almost all the violent crime and murder comes from gang-related disputes between kids. I'm not seen as a threat.
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Re: Poll Time.

Post by El Rhino » Thu Feb 11, 2010 9:57 am

anyone care to address that the difference in percentage of white rapists vs black rapists (or murderers, thieves, whichever) is completely insignificant when compared to the entire population of either race? sure, according to your numbers there may be more black rapists than white rapists, but it is still incredibly unlikely you will ever encounter one in either population.
Considering they say that 1 in 6 women in the US get raped at some point in their life, I'd hardly say it's an insignificant segment of the population.

it has been well documented that people with "black sounding names" are considerably less likely to be called for an interview, even when more qualified.
...and how is this documented? Taking Sh'Diva Jackson's word that she was more qualified than whoever ended up getting the job? Many employers have affirmative action/diversity initiatives where they specifically set out to hire qualified people of color.
and if you read about the history of ghettos, they are great internment camps for dark-skinned individuals. ... they are consistently kept in "their" neighborhoods.
Oh, you mean those areas that used to be the vibrant core of our cities and are now trash-and-crime riddled hellholes that only become livable again when homosexuals and/or white hipsters start coming en masse? Also, they're not doing a very good job keeping them in those neighborhoods considering how many of them are in government housing in very close proximity to me.
they have a harder time getting mortgages for housing, loans, getting leases.

Yes, when you have a low income and don't pay your bills that will happen to you. There are laws against discriminating based upon race, etc for housing.

Nick wrote: I think Americans tend to be extremely narrow minded when they think about the scale of history. This country is only a couple hundred years old. Culturally speaking, we're a baby, but we think we're such hot shit that it feels like the U.S. has been around forever. It makes it very easy to forget that many of the black people we interact with today had parents or grandparents that had to drink from separate water fountains or sit at the back of the bus, and those people had grandparents who were fucking slaves. You can't expect complete cultural assimilation from a position of such extreme subjugation in the span of just a couple generations.

Right, it's only been 145 years since the slaves were freed. In that period of time the following ethnic groups have come to the US and on a whole flourished: The tail end of the Germans, Scandinavians, Irish, Italians, Welsh, Polish, Russian, Croatian, Armenians, Jewish, Greeks, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Cubans, Indians (dots), Persians, Lebanese, assorted Arabs, Pakistanis, Thai, Vietnamese, Laotian and probably some more than I'm forgetting. No one likes the Jews and in the matter of a generation or two they ended up controlling the media and the entertainment industry. Look at the SE Asians here in Des Moines. They came here literally out of the jungles and mountains of a war-torn third world country, not speaking the language and managed to more or less have their shit together within a generation or two. White Americans went from horse and buggy to space travel in that time period. Indians and Persians, both non-whites (well, some Persians may be), are the wealthiest ethnic groups in the US and they've only been here a couple of generations at most. How much time do they need?

but a good majority of the time, they aren't given the same opportunities as Whites or other minorities and are often given the shit end of the stick and treated differently because they are Black.
It beats what their not-so-distant cousins in Liberia are doing right now. Enjoy:
joseph wrote:i know i dont talk well but using someones skin color to say theyre untrustworthy is a boneheaded idea.

As I've said before, skin color in itself is arbitrary. Black people have black skin because it's an evolutionary adaptation to a hot, sunny climate and it protects against parasites better. My skin is white with the ability to get a dark tan because my distant ancestors came from places where it would've been cold and dreary during the winter and warm and sunny during the summer. My more recent ancestors came from a place that is pretty much always dreary.

Skin color happens to be an indicator of what someone's evolutionary history may have been though. People who evolved in Europe and the Near East have white skin, people who evolved in Sub-Saharan Africa have black skin. You're familiar with the concept of "survival of the fittest?" In Africa different traits were beneficial than the ones in Europe and thus blacks are wired a little differently than we are. Other than the increased threat of wild animals they were challenged less than we were and were more prone to impulsiveness. The weather is pretty much always tolerable, food from plant sources is easily obtainable, fish and small animals are more plentiful for food sources, water isn't hard to find, etc. In Europe they had the long winter with scarce food supply to deal with and had to form stronger social and family bonds as well as get creative with technology to cope with the elements. This is getting long-winded and I'm very drowsy from a long night at work so in short I'll just say we evolved one way, they evolved another.

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by moltar » Thu Feb 11, 2010 10:22 am

515crew is weak on anthro.

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by joseph » Thu Feb 11, 2010 11:20 am

El Rhino wrote:
joseph wrote:i know i dont talk well but using someones skin color to say theyre untrustworthy is a boneheaded idea.

As I've said before, skin color in itself is arbitrary. Black people have black skin because it's an evolutionary adaptation to a hot, sunny climate and it protects against parasites better. My skin is white with the ability to get a dark tan because my distant ancestors came from places where it would've been cold and dreary during the winter and warm and sunny during the summer. My more recent ancestors came from a place that is pretty much always dreary.

Skin color happens to be an indicator of what someone's evolutionary history may have been though. People who evolved in Europe and the Near East have white skin, people who evolved in Sub-Saharan Africa have black skin. You're familiar with the concept of "survival of the fittest?" In Africa different traits were beneficial than the ones in Europe and thus blacks are wired a little differently than we are. Other than the increased threat of wild animals they were challenged less than we were and were more prone to impulsiveness. The weather is pretty much always tolerable, food from plant sources is easily obtainable, fish and small animals are more plentiful for food sources, water isn't hard to find, etc. In Europe they had the long winter with scarce food supply to deal with and had to form stronger social and family bonds as well as get creative with technology to cope with the elements. This is getting long-winded and I'm very drowsy from a long night at work so in short I'll just say we evolved one way, they evolved another.
you wanna make a blanket statement about race is involved in how people are. then let the idiotic ideas go on and on. then post some bullshit about evolution and survival of the fittest and then say youre tired?

this is a dumb discussion even for 515crew. over and over again everyone has the same belief/view whatever that theyve always had and there aint anything thatll be said here that will change anyones mind.

this board isnt even funny and thats the best part about the internet.

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by ilikehorses » Thu Feb 11, 2010 11:26 am

El Rhino wrote: ...and how is this documented? Taking Sh'Diva Jackson's word that she was more qualified than whoever ended up getting the job? Many employers have affirmative action/diversity initiatives where they specifically set out to hire qualified people of color.
i don't have much time this am, but it was a study by University of Chicago and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. NO YOURE RIGHT THEY JUST TOOK SH'DIVA JACKSON'S WORD FOR IT.
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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Big Fat Retard » Thu Feb 11, 2010 12:03 pm

I know that Polish people are genetically predisposed to not being able to change light bulbs by themselves.
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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Beaver » Thu Feb 11, 2010 1:31 pm

Beaver wrote:lustful black beasts

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Big Fat Retard » Thu Feb 11, 2010 1:41 pm

I think these quotes from Harry Anslinger explain everything. I bet this darkie was smoking reefers when he tried to rape the white chick..

“There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others.”

“…the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races.”

“Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death.”

“Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men.”

“Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing”

“You smoke a joint and you’re likely to kill your brother.”

“Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind.”

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by El Rhino » Thu Feb 11, 2010 4:55 pm

joseph wrote: really?
you wanna make a blanket statement about race is involved in how people are. then let the idiotic ideas go on and on. then post some bullshit about evolution and survival of the fittest and then say youre tired?
Yes, really.... and honestly, you're lucky I even dignified your post with as much of an answer as I did considering yours contained nothing that hadn't been posted several times already. Telling me that the differences in races of people are no different than being left handed? Come on....
ilikehorses wrote: i don't have much time this am, but it was a study by University of Chicago and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. NO YOURE RIGHT THEY JUST TOOK SH'DIVA JACKSON'S WORD FOR IT.
I know questioning established left-wing dogma gets you a little testy, but hey, I just asked. A third party deciding who's "more qualified" can get kind of tricky considering there's a ton of things for the employer to consider and how does that third party (especially one probably out to prove racism) know which of those things are the most important to the employer? Obvious cases would be obvious cases of course, but it sounds kind of subjective to me.... unless taking a chance on a 21 year old white kid with an associates degree over a black guy with a bachelors and a few years in the industry is commonplace or something like that.

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by joseph » Thu Feb 11, 2010 6:54 pm

El Rhino wrote:
joseph wrote: really?
you wanna make a blanket statement about race is involved in how people are. then let the idiotic ideas go on and on. then post some bullshit about evolution and survival of the fittest and then say youre tired?
Yes, really.... and honestly, you're lucky I even dignified your post with as much of an answer as I did considering yours contained nothing that hadn't been posted several times already. Telling me that the differences in races of people are no different than being left handed? Come on....
seriously? im lucky? when did you become dignified?

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by El Rhino » Thu Feb 11, 2010 6:56 pm

joseph wrote: when did you become dignified?


Grab a dictionary.

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by joseph » Thu Feb 11, 2010 6:58 pm

El Rhino wrote:
joseph wrote: when did you become dignified?


Grab a dictionary.
you can tell we've never spoken in public.

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by El Rhino » Thu Feb 11, 2010 7:00 pm

We haven't. I don't know what you're suggesting by that though.

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Joey Chaos » Thu Feb 11, 2010 10:43 pm

Niggers stink.


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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Thom » Thu Feb 11, 2010 10:44 pm


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Re: Poll Time.

Post by vegan ss » Thu Feb 11, 2010 11:37 pm

Joey Chaos wrote:Niggers stink.


You're a nigger. Now kill yourself.
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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Joey Chaos » Thu Feb 11, 2010 11:39 pm

vegan ss wrote:
Joey Chaos wrote:Niggers stink.


You're a nigger. Now kill yourself.

That ass kicking is just getting closer and closer.......come on, say I couldn't do it, cause then I might just drive down there and prove you wrong.

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by @nonymous » Thu Feb 11, 2010 11:50 pm

joey chaos wrote:That ass kicking is just getting closer and closer.......come on, say I couldn't do it, cause then I might just drive down there and prove you wrong.
not to underestimate your toughness but isn't he like, a lot bigger than you?
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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Joey Chaos » Thu Feb 11, 2010 11:52 pm

Means nothing.

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