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Pick one.

Because he's black.
Because he's a cop. ACAB!!!
Because he's black AND a cop.
Because of adverse socioeconomic conditions and racism.
Dat bitch be lyin! Maynard iz mah nigga!
No votes
He was set up by the white establishment who hates to see a brotha succeed.
I'm going to say something stupid - see below.
Other - please explain.
Cluck cluck cluck.
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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Big Fat Retard » Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:47 am

El Rhino wrote:
Big Fat Retard wrote:And I guess y'all forgot about the white cops in Creston that raped that chick at the Cuntry Club.
No. What does that have to do with the poll? Where did anyone say that white cops have never raped anyone? All I asked was what was the reasoning behind it - his profession, his race, socioeconomic status, etc.
None of the above has anything to do with him being a rapo. The reason he's a rapist is because he's a sociopathic douchebag. It has nothing to do with him being black, a cop, or how much money he makes.
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Re: Poll Time.

Post by El Rhino » Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:53 am

Big Fat Retard wrote: None of the above has anything to do with him being a rapo. The reason he's a rapist is because he's a sociopathic douchebag. It has nothing to do with him being black, a cop, or how much money he makes.

Perhaps. I know plenty of black people that aren't rapists (to my knowledge) but it doesn't change the fact that blacks are much more likely to be rapists than whites.

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Big Fat Retard » Tue Feb 09, 2010 2:02 am

El Rhino wrote:
Big Fat Retard wrote: None of the above has anything to do with him being a rapo. The reason he's a rapist is because he's a sociopathic douchebag. It has nothing to do with him being black, a cop, or how much money he makes.

Perhaps. I know plenty of black people that aren't rapists (to my knowledge) but it doesn't change the fact that blacks are much more likely to be rapists than whites.
Where are Asians, Indians, Jews, Arabs, and Mexicans on the Most Likely to Be a Rapist list?
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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Chivas » Tue Feb 09, 2010 2:56 am

word around the yards is that the chick blew the dude to get out of dui, then he got greedy.

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Varg » Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:08 am

ilikehorses wrote:blah blah blah, racists really work hard to justify their irrational fear and hatred of a group of people based on a shared physical characteristic.
LoL, you found me out anyway. I have an irrational fear of blacks and it's based on statistics. SKEWED DATA mind you, but I make it work. How many currently incarcerated do you give CPR too?

What else is new in this thread? People who hate cops still hate cops. People who hate niggers still hate niggers. People with white guilt still trying to blame the white man for all the blight of society.

If someone hates blacks, but loves asians- are they still racist? Is a self-hating jew a racist? Can a black person be racist? What would you call the Flintstones if they were black?
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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Big Fat Retard » Tue Feb 09, 2010 9:11 am

Chivas wrote:word around the yards is that the chick blew the dude to get out of dui, then he got greedy.
Word around the yard is wrong.

• Richardson initially responded to a call about a fight at an apartment complex at 1414 E. Ninth St. at 3:10 a.m. Friday, police said. Richardson did not file a police report on the fight, however.

• Through the course of that call, Richardson came in contact with the woman. Police said the woman entered the officer's patrol car, but was not under arrest or placed in handcuffs. Police said that Richardson did not know the victim.

• The alleged assault came between 3:10 and 5 a.m. Friday near 1800 E. Euclid Ave. The area is warehouse district, west of the Interstate Highway 235 and Euclid interchange.
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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Nick » Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:20 am

I didn't know the color of someone's skin gave them a predispotion to commit crimes or rape women? Hmmm....learn something new everyday.

The statistics may show that there are more crimes commited by blacks, but they don't commit those crimes more frequently because of the color of their skin. That fucking moronic to think like that. What people who characterize another collection of people all into the same group are doing is a term called "racial profiling." It's pretty goddamn racist. It's like saying all Middle Eastern men are terrorists.

It is a fact that most crimes are committed by people who are socially and economically disadvantaged. I'm not going to sit here and try and use this as some sort of excuse or try justify a person's crimes in anyway. But that matter of fact is, Blacks in the U.S. have always been the minority. They have always been in the lowest socieo-econmic class in the country. Where do people of the lowest socieo-economic classes tend to live in the U.S.? They tend to live in the inner cities, where housing cheapest and public transportation is readily available, since most can't afford to own a home in the suburbs or buy a car to get to work. Inner cities also tend to have the worst schools in the country and also have a history of horrible public safety (police, fire and emergency). Poor Urban areas also provide far less public services (parks, pools, libraries, recreation centers, etc.) that serve as an outlet for youth, so inner city youth are more likely to gravitate toward other disadvantaged youth and shit like gangs form. You put any group of "disadvantaged" people together NO MATTER WHAT COLOR THEIR SKIN IS and after time, they are more likely to commit crimes against eachother (mainly stealing, burglary, robbery and assualt).

I know some of you will think this is some sort of "cop out", but it is a fact that more crimes (especially violent) are committed by people who have a history of impoverishment, isolation, exclusion and segregation...all of which the African American surely has experienced in the U.S. for many, many years.

If the tables were turned and Blacks were the majority (and predominately better off socieo-economically) and Whites were the minority (and predominately worse off socieo-economically), then I can garuntee you'd see these statistics reversed. That proves that crime has nothing do with the color of someone's skin, but has everything to do with their socieo-economic background.

Again....I'm not trying to justify people's crimes who come from a more disadvantaged background than a lot of us on here, I'm just saying there is a correlation between crime and class and it has nothig to do with skin color. There is a lot of ignorance and racism in this thread.

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by El Rhino » Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:44 am

Big Fat Retard wrote:Where are Asians, Indians, Jews, Arabs, and Mexicans on the Most Likely to Be a Rapist list?

I don't know about Asians - probably pretty low in the Japanese and higher in SE Asia. Mexicans (or non-white Hispanics to be more accurate) are more likely than whites but not as likely as blacks. Arabs? Pretty high in Europe...especially in Scandinavia where there were virtually no rapes and then when they started taking in Arab immigrants the rapes skyrocketed. Sad state of affairs.

Nick wrote:If the tables were turned and Blacks were the majority (and predominately better off socieo-economically) and Whites were the minority (and predominately worse off socieo-economically), then I can garuntee you'd see these statistics reversed. That proves that crime has nothing do with the color of someone's skin, but has everything to do with their socieo-economic background.

As I asked earlier, how do you explain West Virginia being among the safest and economically worse off states in the US? Why isn't the crime rate in Southern Iowa through the roof? Why aren't Zagreb, Kiev or Bratislava riddled with crime like Detroit, Baltimore and DC (the part that tourists don't see)? Montevideo, Uruguay (80% white or so) doesn't have the same kind of money as ANY comparable sized US city and is considered one of the safest large cities in the world (and guess who occupies the only really unsafe neighborhoods there?). I wonder what the crime rate of Moldova, possibly the poorest white nation looks like compared to black South Africa (possibly the wealthiest blacks outside the US & Europe) or a US city like New Orleans with a high black population? If you feel like their minority status is at the root of the high crime problem, feel free to compare crime rates of places like Haiti and Liberia where they are completely in control of their destiny. Also, I'm not sure what you "proved" here because you didn't give any real examples. That's not how proof works.

Someone's economic situation isn't always just handed to them - this isn't feudal Europe or India. People that make good choices usually end up doing alright financially and people that don't usually don't. A black guy who does all the things he's supposed to do in life will probably be inclined to stay out of trouble. One that's fine with smoking crack, soaking up the welfare and having a dozen illegitimate children will probably be naturally inclined towards crime. Is it a problem with economics or shitty characteristics? The storefronts in rural West Virginia do not have bars on them, my friend.

Also, if I believed that skin color was the sole difference and root of problems I would just suggest that we line the world up and paint everybody white (or perhaps Japanese yellow). The different racial groups have undergone different evolutionary histories and thus have drastically different cultures and outlooks on life. This is a lengthy topic I won't get into at this time but in short what were beneficial traits to possess in Africa were not beneficial in cold Europe or Northern Asia and perhaps vise-versa.

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Big Fat Retard » Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:57 am

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Nick » Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:02 pm

El Rhino wrote:Why isn't the crime rate in Southern Iowa through the roof?
El Rhino wrote:The storefronts in rural West Virginia do not have bars on them, my friend.
Just an assumption here, but I'd say that a big reason is because, like you've indicated yourself, these places are rural. Rural areas of the country that are poor tend to have agricultural backgrounds. These types of communities have historically depended on each other for help and support. Why do wrong to your "neighbor" when they might be the one to help you out later down the road and you may need to depend on them (and the community) in the future? They have a smaller population, so the chance of getting caught for a crime is much higher than in a big city where the police to citizen ratio is drastically lower.

I dunno. I don't have a concrete answer for you. But you go ahead and continue on with your racist ideas that people of African decent are genetically predisposed to a life of crime than any other race if that is what makes you sleep well at night. I think there are a LOT more things that factor into someone who chooses a life of crime than skin color.

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Big Fat Retard » Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:23 pm

One that's fine with smoking crack, soaking up the welfare and having a dozen illegitimate children will probably be naturally inclined towards crime.
Sounds like white people from Ottumwa.
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Re: Poll Time.

Post by El Rhino » Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:31 pm

Nick wrote:Just an assumption here, but I'd say that a big reason is because, like you've indicated yourself, these places are rural. Rural areas of the country that are poor tend to have agricultural backgrounds. These types of communities have historically depended on each other for help and support. Why do wrong to your "neighbor" when they might be the one to help you out later down the road and you may need to depend on them (and the community) in the future? They have a smaller population, so the chance of getting caught for a crime is much higher than in a big city where the police to citizen ratio is drastically lower.
Yes, rural areas are typically safer than their urban counterparts for several reasons.

I dunno. I don't have a concrete answer for you. But you go ahead and continue on with your racist ideas that people of African decent are genetically predisposed to a life of crime than any other race if that is what makes you sleep well at night.
You seemed to have all the answers in your last post though. I understand that issues concerning race are ones we're indoctrinated to not examine too closely though - a simple "that's racist!" is usually enough to send someone stammering and scrambling to the defense and I don't blame for you using that tactic. We're taught from an early age that even the slightest suggestion of racial inequalities are among the most evil things a person can do. An honest dialogue on race is probably something we will never have in this country (or most other white majority countries - it's illegal in many European nations) under the current political environment.

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Nick » Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:58 pm

Hey....lets throw out some other racist "facts" about Black people:

-All Black men have massive dongs
-All Blacks have extra muscle fibers that make them better athletes
-Black people in France are classier and less sketchy than your average Black American
-Iowa has a low crime rate because of it's lack of a Black population

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Big Fat Retard » Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:05 pm

Nick wrote:Hey....lets throw out some other racist "facts" about Black people:

-All Black men have massive dongs
-All Blacks have extra muscle fibers that make them better athletes
-Black people in France are classier and less sketchy than your average Black American
-Iowa has a low crime rate because of it's lack of a Black population

Black chicks also tend have better booties than white chicks. I'm also pretty sure they got extra muscles in their pussies too. They have a grip like no white girl has.
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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Nick » Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:07 pm

El Rhino wrote:You seemed to have all the answers in your last post though. I understand that issues concerning race are ones we're indoctrinated to not examine too closely though - a simple "that's racist!" is usually enough to send someone stammering and scrambling to the defense and I don't blame for you using that tactic. We're taught from an early age that even the slightest suggestion of racial inequalities are among the most evil things a person can do. An honest dialogue on race is probably something we will never have in this country (or most other white majority countries - it's illegal in many European nations) under the current political environment.
And I understand that not all discussions like this mean that people with differing opinions than mine are inherently racist.

It's not racist to acknowledge the simple, well-documented fact that black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime, not just in America, but in almost every country where they live. And I'm not debating the statistics. The only point where racism might enter into it is in the discussion about why that might be the case. This is exactly what you did in your first post, when you posted the poll options and asked "why did it happen." The real answer why is because this guy is a fucking scumbag. Plan and simple it has nothing to do with his race.

Your argument in this thread has seemed to be that it's genetic for Blacks to be more predisposed to a life of crime, but there's no scientific basis for that, and it's pretty safe to say that theory is fundamentally racist.

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by El Rhino » Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:12 pm

Nick wrote:Hey....lets throw out some other racist "facts" about Black people:

-All Black men have massive dongs
-All Blacks have extra muscle fibers that make them better athletes
-Black people in France are classier and less sketchy than your average Black American
-Iowa has a low crime rate because of it's lack of a Black population

1. Perhaps. That's not really a preoccupation of mine though.

2. It makes them better athletes in some departments. Sprinting, jumping and things like that. Whites are generally stronger (see: World's Strongest Man competition) and better at sports that involve a lot of strategy. Whites rack up a hell of a lot of Olympic medals for being only less than 10% of the world's population. Blacks are well suited for boxing.

3. They're definitely better dressed. Blacks in France (and to a lesser extent England) actually have a decent sense of style - they look more Dizzy Gillespie than Lil' Jon. I believe that blacks in Europe are often out-performed in the shithead department by their Middle Eastern counterparts who are notorious for rapes, riots, assaults and having antagonistic attitudes towards whites and western culture in general.

4. It certainly doesn't hurt.

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by El Rhino » Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:17 pm

It's not racist to acknowledge the simple, well-documented fact that black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime, not just in America, but in almost every country where they live.
Your argument in this thread has seemed to be that it's genetic for Blacks to be more predisposed to a life of crime, but there's no scientific basis for that, and it's pretty safe to say that theory is fundamentally racist.

So in other words you're suggesting it's just a world-wide coincidence?

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Nick » Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:25 pm

El Rhino wrote:
It's not racist to acknowledge the simple, well-documented fact that black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime, not just in America, but in almost every country where they live.
Your argument in this thread has seemed to be that it's genetic for Blacks to be more predisposed to a life of crime, but there's no scientific basis for that, and it's pretty safe to say that theory is fundamentally racist.

So in other words you're suggesting it's just a world-wide coincidence?
Nope. I'm suggesting that world-wide, blacks are predominately on the lower end of the socioeconomic scale and are genearlly more disadvantaged than most and that is the reason they commit more crimes. Desperate people take desperate measures.

Is your stance really that blacks are genetically predisposed to a life of crime? That is utterly insane and very racist.

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Big Fat Retard » Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:33 pm

Most serial killers are white guys. Maybe not as many whites commit crimes percentage wise, but when they do commit crimes, they kill more people by going postal or doing a Kaczynsky Gacy or Dahmer type deal. White folks are just sneakier criminals who are able to get away with their crimes for a longer periods of time. In the case of the ones who go postal, they usually plan their crimes out to maximize the body count. Black folks don't fuck around like that. When they fuck somebody up they don't slink around in the shadows and send weird letters and manifestos about how the neighbors dog is telling them to kill people or how all the people who wronged them are going to pay someday.. At least black folks are more straight forward and to the point when they commit crimes. I have a lot of respect for that.
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Re: Poll Time.

Post by ilikehorses » Tue Feb 09, 2010 2:50 pm

only 16% of rapes are reported. basing your argument on such faulty data is just grasping at straws to support a racist world view. the idea that skin color makes a person more inclined for a certain lifestyle is utterly laughable. and yet, the racists, on this board and in the real world, ignore the real statistics of socioeconomic hardships and institutionalized racism inherent in our, and many other, cultures.
furthermore, yes, black people rape. white people rape. asians and latinos rape (regardless of what wikipedia may have you believe). it's not an issue of race, it's an issue of shitty people doing shitty things. it's an issue of how men perceive and treat women (and men). it's a serious fucking problem. but it has nothing to do with race.
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Re: Poll Time.

Post by El Rhino » Tue Feb 09, 2010 3:50 pm

Nope. I'm suggesting that world-wide, blacks are predominately on the lower
end of the socioeconomic scale and are genearlly more disadvantaged than most and that is the reason they commit more crimes. Desperate people take desperate measures.

For the millionth time in this thread, how do you explain low crime rates in the poorest white nations/regions compared to blacks in places with decent economic opportunities? Again, how do you explain the high level of violence, crime and corruption in countries in Africa and Haiti where blacks make up the overwhelming majority and aren't underprivileged minorities? And again, maybe criminality and other shitty traits influence one's economic condition more than one's economic condition influences their character. Drugs, robbery, etc. is somewhat understandable given economic conditions - but how does that effect rape?

Is your stance really that blacks are genetically predisposed to a life of crime?
Yes, my stance is really that blacks as a race have higher criminal tendencies due to genetic predisposition than members of other racial/ethnic groups. Hard to believe, I know, considering all the examples of safe, prosperous and peaceful black regions in the world you've provided.
That is utterly insane and very racist.
What's that mean, really? This may come as a shock to you but simply saying "that's racist!" doesn't make a statement right or wrong. It's just a way of not addressing the issue and hoping it goes away. Utterly insane? Whatever.
Big Fat Retard wrote:Most serial killers are white guys. ... and manifestos about how the neighbors dog is telling them to kill people or how all the people who wronged them are going to pay someday... and yes, whites probably are more creative with their methodology.

...and Berkowitz was Jewish.
only 16% of rapes are reported. basing your argument on such faulty data is just grasping at straws to support a racist world view.
How do we know that only 16% are reported? Where do they get that figure if the other 84% aren't reported? So if that figure is true, why should I believe that the other 84% would have any noteworthy difference than the 16% reported?
the idea that skin color makes a person more inclined for a certain lifestyle is utterly laughable.
I have noted the fact that pretty much all the egalitarians here can say is "that's racist!" or "that's stupid!" How's the view in the sand?
and yet, the racists, on this board and in the real world, ignore the real statistics of socioeconomic hardships and institutionalized racism inherent in our, and many other, cultures.
Please show me said statistics...and then if you're so inclined, please explain to me how institutionalized racism and socioeconomic hardships lead towards violent crime and rape?
furthermore, yes, black people rape. white people rape. asians and latinos rape (regardless of what wikipedia may have you believe). it's not an issue of race, it's an issue of shitty people doing shitty things. it's an issue of how men perceive and treat women (and men). it's a serious fucking problem. but it has nothing to do with race.
Yes, everyone does it and it is a big problem in the world. By my oh-so-holy Western standards I believe that some groups are guiltier than others when it comes to mistreating women (and men) - female circumcision in Africa, gang raping in the Middle East to "teach her a lesson", socially acceptable beatings in the Middle East, rape used as a military weapon of terror in Africa (and other historical cases) and the high levels of rape among blacks and Arabs in the US & Europe is completely unacceptable to me as well as the high rate of black on white rape in the prison system - authorities turning their back to this constitutes cruel and unusual punishment in my book. All rape is deplorable, no matter who does it to who (or what).

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Beaver » Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:19 pm

Chivas wrote:word around the yards is that the chick blew the dude to get out of dui, then he got greedy.
You know this because you were behind a dumpster watching intently and masturbating furiously.

Lolz, you got pawned by JRS.

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by ilikehorses » Tue Feb 09, 2010 5:22 pm

El Rhino wrote: How do we know that only 16% are reported? Where do they get that figure if the other 84% aren't reported? So if that figure is true, why should I believe that the other 84% would have any noteworthy difference than the 16% reported?
first, most rapes are not reported. the way our society views and reacts rape and sexual assault is appalling and makes it difficult for women to not only come forward, but to go through the legal process.
and the next 84% could have the same racial make up, or could be completely different. anyone doing a serious study of race would know that 16% or even 30% is not enough data to build a serious, intelligent conclusion.
and i might point out, these statistics are not rape statistics, but rape CONVICTION statistics. darker skinned people are more likely to be wrongly convicted and with rape, wrongly accused. but that wouldn't fit the racist world view, wherein black people are born criminals.
I have noted the fact that pretty much all the egalitarians here can say is "that's racist!" or "that's stupid!" How's the view in the sand?
because we've been over this a hundred times before and no amount of statistical evidence or personal accounts are going to sway your thinking.
i'd invite you to read Tim Wise's book "Speaking Treason Fluently," but i know you won't. you never read "Enrique's Journey" that i suggested that would have been against your world view, why would tim wise be any different?
but on the tim wise, he points out many cases where darker-skinned individuals and groups are wrongly persecuted, prosecuted, convicted, beaten, raped, killed for having too much pigment in their skin.

Please show me said statistics...and then if you're so inclined, please explain to me how institutionalized racism and socioeconomic hardships lead towards violent crime and rape?
again, enjoy a book that isn't by pat buchanan sometime. i'm not going to do the research for you, because you won't listen to me anyway.
my point was that you and the other racists on this board will demonize dark-skinned individuals as automatic criminals, their skin leading them to crime based on their skin alone, having nothing to do with our culture, but will adamantly deny there is a racial problem in the US, that our culture and our society views and creates the black criminal stereotype. you have and probably continue to deny that blacks face racism everyday, yet here you are, provoking and reinforcing the racist attitudes and feelings.
Yes, everyone does it and it is a big problem in the world. By my oh-so-holy Western standards I believe that some groups are guiltier than others when it comes to mistreating women (and men) - female circumcision in Africa, gang raping in the Middle East to "teach her a lesson", socially acceptable beatings in the Middle East, rape used as a military weapon of terror in Africa (and other historical cases) and the high levels of rape among blacks and Arabs in the US & Europe is completely unacceptable to me as well as the high rate of black on white rape in the prison system - authorities turning their back to this constitutes cruel and unusual punishment in my book. All rape is deplorable, no matter who does it to who (or what).
i agree, all rape is horrible.
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Re: Poll Time.

Post by @nonymous » Tue Feb 09, 2010 5:25 pm

el rhino wrote:Yes, my stance is really that blacks as a race have higher criminal tendencies due to genetic predisposition than members of other racial/ethnic groups
why even respond to him? this sentence sums up his beliefs. not worth it.
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Re: Poll Time.

Post by El Rhino » Tue Feb 09, 2010 6:27 pm

and the next 84% could have the same racial make up, or could be completely different. anyone doing a serious study of race would know that 16% or even 30% is not enough data to build a serious, intelligent conclusion.
Perhaps... but when you look at the make up of prison populations and the fact that 1/3 of black males will do time at some point in their life as well as the criminal culture prevalent among young black males it's not a far stretch at all. Think what you want of my view here, but I can assure you that you wouldn't be too comfortable with any woman you cared for walking alone through Gary, Indiana, Port-au-Prince or Nairobi.
and i might point out, these statistics are not rape statistics, but rape CONVICTION statistics. darker skinned people are more likely to be wrongly convicted and with rape, wrongly accused. but that wouldn't fit the racist world view, wherein black people are born criminals.
I don't know about that but I do know that they're also more likely to be correctly convicted with rape.

Also, if it's just a matter of skin color, why aren't the cops constantly harassing East Asians and Indians (dots) and sticking them with things they didn't do?

because we've been over this a hundred times before and no amount of statistical evidence or personal accounts are going to sway your thinking.
i'd invite you to read Tim Wise's book "Speaking Treason Fluently," but i know you won't. you never read "Enrique's Journey" that i suggested that would have been against your world view, why would tim wise be any different?
How do you know if I ever read "Enrique's Journey"? For the record, I haven't. My reading time is pretty well engulfed with school related stuff and I hardly ever get time for recreational reading anymore.
but on the tim wise, he points out many cases where darker-skinned individuals and groups are wrongly persecuted, prosecuted, convicted, beaten, raped, killed for having too much pigment in their skin.
Like what? If someone were to write a book about whites being attacked by darker-skinned folks it would be the biggest fuckin' book you or I have ever seen...and there would be cases daily.
again, enjoy a book that isn't by pat buchanan sometime.
i'm not going to do the research for you,
because you won't listen to me anyway.
But I do listen... It's just that you're wrong.
my point was that you and the other racists on this board will demonize dark-skinned individuals as automatic criminals, their skin leading them to crime based on their skin alone, having nothing to do with our culture, but will adamantly deny there is a racial problem in the US, that our culture and our society views and creates the black criminal stereotype. you have and probably continue to deny that blacks face racism everyday, yet here you are, provoking and reinforcing the racist attitudes and feelings.
No, I don't deny it. As a whole blacks ARE more dangerous than whites and people have good reasons to stay out of areas where they're concentrated. Plus many people over the age of 25 find their culture obnoxious and abrasive. As far as their "skin alone", I went over that briefly in another post - if I thought skin color was the sole issue, I'd simply suggest we paint everybody white. It's all up to them on how they want to be perceived.
@nonymous wrote: why even respond to him? this sentence sums up his beliefs. not worth it.
Sounds like you're upset that you always end up on the losing side of these sort of discussions here. In other words, u mad???

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by @nonymous » Tue Feb 09, 2010 6:36 pm

el rhino wrote:Sounds like you're upset that you always end up on the losing side of these sort of discussions here. In other words, u mad???
are you out of your mind? no one agrees with you on this. "genetic predisposition"..are you kidding me? congratulations, your views are officially more fringe than mine are.
"Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats" - H. L. Mencken

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Big Fat Retard » Tue Feb 09, 2010 6:50 pm

El Rhino wrote:
Big Fat Retard wrote:Most serial killers are white guys. ... and manifestos about how the neighbors dog is telling them to kill people or how all the people who wronged them are going to pay someday... and yes, whites probably are more creative with their methodology.

...and Berkowitz was Jewish.
Jews are just white guys with big noses.

I think you're just jealous because black dudes have huge cocks.
I poop on Petland!

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by Varg » Tue Feb 09, 2010 6:54 pm

El Rhino wrote:
In other words, u mad???

Nicely played.
---success in social interaction lies in making them afraid to see you disapprove


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Re: Poll Time.

Post by El Rhino » Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:02 pm

@nonymous wrote: are you out of your mind? no one agrees with you on this. "genetic predisposition"..are you kidding me? congratulations, your views are officially more fringe than mine are.

According to Ed that belief is well entrenched into American society. Which one of you is wrong?

Varg wrote:Nicely played.
Thanks brah.

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Re: Poll Time.

Post by @nonymous » Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:08 pm

el rhino wrote:According to Ed that belief is well entrenched into American society. Which one of you is wrong?
sure, there are plenty of people who have the same twisted views as you. i was speaking on this board.
"Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats" - H. L. Mencken

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