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ATTN: Lost Hope/Self-proclaimed Satanists

Post by jessep » Tue Oct 06, 2009 6:30 pm



1. Grandier's Diabolical Pact
2. Amorem Mulierum
3. Invocation to Abaddon/Conjuration Towards Destruction
4. The Death of God

The contents of Ceremony of Dis were composed and arranged for a specific purpose. Follow the instructions below for the intended experience. We are unable to disclose the results of this process, you'll have to find out for yourself. Follow each step exactly as its stated but know this: "Once the cycle has begun, it cannot be stopped."

1. Gauge yourself accordingly so that you have enough time to execute the following before the hour of 3:00 AM, preferably on a Sunday morning. Also, find some sort of music player that has speakers and does not require the use of headphones.

2. Locate a room with four walls and at least one window.

3. Enter the room at exactly 2:50 AM.

4. Close the door as soon as you enter. Do not exit or open the door again until the entire process is over.

5. Lay a broom across the front of the doorway immediately.

6. Turn every photograph and/or religious relic displayed in the room upside-down.

7. Open the window(s) at least six inches. In front of each open window, look out into the night and whisper, "Venire, Satanas" nine times.

8. Seat yourself at the western side of the room, right next to the wall. DO NOT sit in a corner.

9. Begin Ceremony of Dis at exactly 3:00 AM.

10. After the first track is finished, say in a firm voice, "Ave, Satanas!" From this point, close your eyes and try your best to keep them closed. Do not mind any noises you may hear. If you get to a point where, for any reason, you are unable to keep your eyes closed, then stare directly at the wall. Do not look unto the room.

11. After track three is finished, repeat in a firm voice, "Rege, Satanas!" three times.

12. Remain silent as the rest of the record plays. Again, keep your eyes closed or focused on the wall you are seated next to.

13. After the last song ends, doing your best not to stare at your surroundings, turn off the player and sit in silence for approximately nine minutes. Stare at the wall or keep your eyes closed. Relax yourself and welcome any sensations, feelings or mental images that come to you. What occurs during these nine minutes differs by the person and depends on how well you executed the steps.

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Re: ATTN: Lost Hope/Self-proclaimed Satanists

Post by tylerjames515 » Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:33 pm

Rooster wrote:cant worship the devil unless you are 21 now

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Re: ATTN: Lost Hope/Self-proclaimed Satanists

Post by inx515xhell » Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:35 pm

kind of awesome!

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