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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by TooManyHumyns » Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:31 pm

Rooster wrote:i only booked 2 August 15th and Nate Fetus and me are booking the August 22nd show. but im done with this shit anyways no1s gonna fucking show up anyways
you've got a really shitty and whiney attitude...sometimes, shows have a shitty turnout...sometimes they don' happens...scenes go up and down...good then boring...theres no need to cry about many times do you think Nate F. has booked a show, and not more that 5 people showed up, for one reason or another...flyer for the shows you book....promote the hell out of them, encourage the band to promote the show...get teenagers to go to the shows, and start bands...shit i remember when 'my generation' was all 15 year old dorks, alot of those same people are the core of the scene, think of all then bands that came from those doesn't seem like there is a 'new generation' coming up...maybe there is but i havent noticed it,borderline insanity doods count i spose.. i also dont make it out to as many shows as i used to ....i think that there have been some issues with the des moines 'punk' scene for a while now...i think that a new centrally located venue, that is not run out of somebody's house would help, because yes, some people do not like the HB for one reason or another, and personal quarrals should not make people feel to uncomfortable to attend shows...whether how stupid you think that is or not, it happens, and it sucks......i personally will most likely not be at the HB unless a show really grasps my attention, because of some things that have happened there in the past...someplace new, and fresh would help alot i think, and would get people excited again, just like the haunted basement did when it was first up and running...if you want shows at the HB to get better turnouts, then you gotta get on top of yer shit there...thats all im gonna say...changes need to be made...theres been plenty of failed venues, lets learn from the mistakes, and make improvements...i have a million ideas on how i feel a place like this should be run, but i obviously don't have the time, money or energy to make it happen, i could/would help though...thats just an opinion...i also do not see this ever least not any time would require a lot of money and dedication, and i don't think there are enough people dedicated to the scene to get something like this least not anymore...
Rooster wrote:its cause punks dying and no1 gives a shit
then fuckin' do something to make people care...

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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by tylerjames515 » Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:20 pm

The Haunted Basement isn't a failed venue, the Kingdom and Anchor shows did pretty well. You are just being a whiner and holding a personal vendetta. I've seen some stupid shit happen at the HB but it happens at shows from time to time. Get over it and just support the music. That's what this is all about anyways isn't it?
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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by moltar » Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:31 pm

TooManyHumyns wrote:...bullshit...more bullshit...
Why are you even in this thread?

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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by TooManyHumyns » Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:37 pm

i didn't state that its a failed venue, but obviously there are issues with turnout, and people are complaining about not indifferent, i have nothing to whine about, so get your shit straight...

im in this thread because i have a valid opinion...and its the internet...anybody can be in a thread

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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by TooManyHumyns » Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:41 pm

tylerjames515 wrote: I've seen some stupid shit happen at the HB but it happens at shows from time to time. Get over it and just support the music. That's what this is all about anyways isn't it?
i witnessed my friends equipment get damaged and broken by somebody who occupies the HB...thats way too shitty for me...fuck that.

i've supported the scene for 7? years now, have booked quite a few shows, promoted them, and theyve pretty much all done well...i've also booked shows in my basement for a i think my word constitutes as something...i think i have the right to point shit out...why does this always get people so butt hurt and defensive?

I wish i could support the scene more at this point and time, but i can't....i put in damn near 65+hours of school/work in every week. and as of now my family is my top priority...which having one of those isn't the most popular thing in this i do what i in bands and book shows from time to time...

oh, and i've tried and am still trying to live up to my suggestions, and find another place and a more positive environment to book shows...

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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by drewr » Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:49 pm

i think that the HB is a great place to play. every time i have played there has been super fun and there have always been great turnouts. yeah i agree that having a new cool venue would be cool but i dont think in any way that the HB is shitty. i think it rules and its a fun place to play.

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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by Shane » Mon Jul 06, 2009 10:11 pm

TooManyHumyns wrote: i think that a new centrally located venue, that is not run out of somebody's house would help, because yes, some people do not like the HB for one reason or another
You keep presenting all these ideas without anything in mind to bring them into existence, and that means you're just wasting everyone's time.

Sure, there are aspects of the Haunted Basement that I dislike, but defaming it because of these things will not improve our scene, nor will it change the fact that it is (currently) the only DIY venue in the area that gives a shit about the scene and the shows/bands that come through here. The DMSC made almost no steps toward cooperating with us and supporting our scene by giving us that room and that PA system, and it costs $75/show to rent it. On the other hand, the Haunted Basement is free to book (and therefore, all money made goes to bands) and has a PA that works, albeit some mics and cables are frequently abused and thus non-working. In addition, the Haunted Basement is a place where pretty much any band can stay the night. Until you find/create a venue that meets or exceeds what the Haunted Basement does, or make steps to improve what already exists, stop fucking complaining.

Also, if people aren't coming out for the sole reason of drama experienced with people at shows, they obviously don't give a shit about the scene/music anyway. Just sayin'.
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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by servo » Mon Jul 06, 2009 10:36 pm

the haunted basement is the best thing to happen to this town since the fall-out shelter.
the scene in this town sucks. would it be nice to have larger crowds at shows and more money for touring bands? yes. is there fucking ANYTHING we havent done that would help that? probably not. is it our fault? no, its the fact that this is des moines iowa. not exactly a cool place to live. but the hb makes living here a lot nicer.
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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by moltar » Mon Jul 06, 2009 10:45 pm

post modern clean crust-

I now realize letting you borrow a guitar was a good deed that could never go unpunished. It's cool that you're on a smear campaign for this place. Try putting two sentences together without an ellipsis and maybe you'll have better luck. You have to understand that it's hard to stay positive around here with our most posi crew members moving to Iowa City.

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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by drewr » Mon Jul 06, 2009 11:00 pm

people will show up if they want. if they don't who cares just fucking rage and have fun anyway! that's what it is about. you don't need to always have a bunch of people at a show to make it great anyway. to be honest, des moines' scene may seem really dead but it's a hell of a lot better than most places ive been.

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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by TooManyHumyns » Mon Jul 06, 2009 11:00 pm initial statements were not directed at the HB...i could care less about the main point was for that dood, to get over it and try again, and if he thinks its the venue, then try a new venue...wahhhhhh...if you don't like then don't read it...i agree, the HB has done a lot of good...doi....and the DMSC, did not work out, i was hoping it would and it didn't....FAIL...try again...i am in no way standing up for that place, i tried something new...they almost agreed to just taking a little of the door money for future events(which is ok with me, becuase they are a nonprofit and they need support too...), but then that show got all fuckin stupid...the HB is great for the majority of people...but for some its not, and if thats ok with everyone, then fine...who cares? but if you'd like a few more regulars then maybe change some shit...the music isn't all that matters, its the community that support it, and that is lacking...saying they don't give a shit is absurd...they go to other shows, they just don't feel super great at the be it right?
you said i could have the guitar...and i said thanks...your words are hilarious...and keep me laughing because i know how angry you get...keep it up...

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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by moltar » Mon Jul 06, 2009 11:17 pm

I am a jdmedley of rage. How are things at the dreadfarm?

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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by Shane » Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:21 am

TooManyHumyns wrote:...doi....
TooManyHumyns wrote:saying they don't give a shit is absurd...they go to other shows, they just don't feel super great at the be it right?
I'll reiterate: if anyone (like you, but not only you) honestly lets dumb bullshit with another person be the only reason to keep them from going to shows that they could enjoy and support, they don't give a shit about the scene or the bands they like or could have liked after seeing, they only give a shit about their dumb fucking feud with that person.

Regarding the family/work thing, you came to the last BMF show, In Defence, and the show you put on at the DMSC, don't act like you can't make time to go to a show every couple of weeks. Everyone can make time to go to shows. You are really fuckin' butthurt about what happened with you and Nate and so you don't support the Haunted Basement. It's alright. If you only go to shows at the Mews or other places, that's fine, there are plenty of people that do that, but don't act like you or they support the Des Moines DIY punk scene anymore.
Joey Chaos wrote:Shane's gonna find out the hard way.

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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by servo » Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:34 am

i really hate shane's dumb ass but that doesnt stop me from going to the same shows as his dumb ass
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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by Thom » Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:34 am

This is really really really fucking retarded.

Of course this scene isn't going to get any better overnight.

The Haunted Basement rules, and when its gone everyone is going to complain about how much they miss it. Just like the fallout shelter, just like the botan.

It's had an amazing run for a DIY spot. It's hosted some really crazy shows, and taken huge leaps from when By The End Of Tonight played there at my lame ass Halloween party.

Stop booking shows everyday, stop being mean to new comers, hang out and have fun like we used to. I've made some awesome friends through this place, and its a shame to see all this bullshit about it.

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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by servo » Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:47 am

double eye roll at thom
i dont think ive considered that guy a part of our scene since he was in high school

:roll: :roll:
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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by Rooster » Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:59 am

fuck yall bitches
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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by drewr » Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:18 am

servo wrote:i really hate shane's dumb ass but that doesnt stop me from going to the same shows as his dumb ass


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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by inx515xhell » Tue Jul 07, 2009 8:47 am

scene sucks cuz you let people say "faggot"

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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by TooManyHumyns » Tue Jul 07, 2009 8:48 am

Shane wrote:
TooManyHumyns wrote: Regarding the family/work thing, you came to the last BMF show, In Defence, and the show you put on at the DMSC, don't act like you can't make time to go to a show every couple of weeks. Everyone can make time to go to shows. You are really fuckin' butthurt about what happened with you and Nate and so you don't support the Haunted Basement. It's alright. If you only go to shows at the Mews or other places, that's fine, there are plenty of people that do that, but don't act like you or they support the Des Moines DIY punk scene anymore.
yeah, i do try to make it to shows every couple of weeeks..if you really want me to lay it out thin, i work saturday-wednesday....i do side jobs on thursday, and work on our house friday nights...i have class(building trades), everyday from 8-3. the days i work, i work 3:45-8/9.3-9, and 8am-5pm. despite all that, i still try to book, play and go to shows.... i am 2? days away from my baby girl being born, i've been help my lady raise a 4 year old the past 2 years, i've taken on a full parenting responsibility with him, which i would never change....if you say, i don't have a valid excuse to not make it to shows,then you must be lady will be working full time and going to school full time in the i don't see very many shows in my future, and i am fine with that...
you have Nate go Cobain on your friends equipment, and then tell me you feel comfortable being in his residence...i don't think i would go out of my way to reccomend the hb after that incident to a touring band, being as that shit happened.... i will support the haunted basement and occasionally go to shows there...but im not going to go unless its a show im really interested in, thats how i've felt about it for a while now, before all the nate shit...theres shows there almost everyday, its a little excessive for des moines, its sweet that des moines can have shows everyday, but i don't think we have enough people to regularly support them...the hb is great, im glad it exists, i just want to find a new place to do shows as well...why is that such a horrible thing to grasp?

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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by tylerjames515 » Tue Jul 07, 2009 9:28 am

Nothing is wrong with wanting a new venue, don't bash the current one we have that does a lot for bands coming through. I think it's childish that you are freaking out and every post you just seem very anti HB.

I get it, some stupid bullshit happened. Doesn't that happen in life during many situations? I'll say it again, GET OVER IT. Going so far as to not telling bands about the Haunted Basement I feel is shitty, you can boycott it as much as you'd like but everyone I've met there are the nicest dudes, you should be telling bands about it. Everyone I've played with talks about how cool the venue is and wishes their town had one.
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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by joseph » Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:28 am

youre all a bunch of whiney bitches.

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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by Rooster » Tue Jul 07, 2009 1:12 pm

joseph wrote:youre all a bunch of whiney bitches.
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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by TooManyHumyns » Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:16 pm

tylerjames515 wrote:Nothing is wrong with wanting a new venue, don't bash the current one we have that does a lot for bands coming through. I think it's childish that you are freaking out and every post you just seem very anti HB.

I get it, some stupid bullshit happened. Doesn't that happen in life during many situations? I'll say it again, GET OVER IT. Going so far as to not telling bands about the Haunted Basement I feel is shitty, you can boycott it as much as you'd like but everyone I've met there are the nicest dudes, you should be telling bands about it. Everyone I've played with talks about how cool the venue is and wishes their town had one.
tyler, if i didn't assume you were straight edge, your response would lead me to believe your on drugs...
i hate having to defend myself
I AM NOT BOYCOTTING THE HB....take the needle out of your vein, and read before you type...go have your band practice there and have nate break your drummers equipment and tell me how quickly you 'get over it'
where in any of my statements did i 'bash the haunted basement'?
i did not say that i would NOT tell bands about the HB, i said i would probably not go out of my way to suggest it to touring bands that i may book.
I've praised the HB more than i've criticized it...i would restate my main point, but i would hope youd get it by now...I know, most bands have a great time there, thats awesome...nothings perfect, alls i've really stated is that sometimes, stepping it up after a while doesn't hurt, and if nobody else thinks that there is anything at the hb that can be improved besides me, then thats fine, but as far as im concerned, i would like to find an additional place to have shows...the end.
i really don' think this needs go go on...somebody please delete all of these posts..this is rediculous

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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by joseph » Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:22 pm

TooManyHumyns wrote: go have your band practice there and have nate break your drummers equipment and tell me how quickly you 'get over it'
ok. im completely out of it but youre saying "nate" broke some of your "drummers" equipment and for that youre placing blame and harboring a grudge on the haunted basement?

uh if thats the case you have nothing to get over. sounds like your "drummer" has a problem with "nate".

oh and im getting involved because IM SICK OF ALL YOUS BITCHING ABOUT NOTHING

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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by servo » Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:22 pm

things i like about this thread:

scene sucks cuz you let people say "faggot"
take the needle out of your vein

things i would like to see in this thread:

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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by TooManyHumyns » Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:34 pm

no, thats a 'grudge' against nate, and why i won't go out of my way to suggest bands to play there, because he's unpredictable like that...i don't want to be responsible for others bands shit getting fucked dumb as that may blame against the HB...and i just think the place is gross and smells like a litter box, and don't enjoy spending long amounts of time there for shows cuz it makes my sinuses hurt, so im about crust punks..its like a poorly maintained squat in there...fucking gross....i know him drop kicking 'my drummers' equipment, and smashing a guitar and throwing a bass is not directly my issue, but i was there, and it was fuckt.

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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by joseph » Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:49 pm

TooManyHumyns wrote:no, thats a 'grudge' against nate, and why i won't go out of my way to suggest bands to play there, because he's unpredictable like that...i don't want to be responsible for others bands shit getting fucked dumb as that may blame against the HB...and i just think the place is gross and smells like a litter box, and don't enjoy spending long amounts of time there for shows cuz it makes my sinuses hurt, so im about crust punks..its like a poorly maintained squat in there...fucking gross....i know him drop kicking 'my drummers' equipment, and smashing a guitar and throwing a bass is not directly my issue, but i was there, and it was fuckt.
ok fine. then why dont you resolve your issue with nate personally instead of making people go "what the fuck" is going on the board? i mean if you want to sully his name go right ahead but ive done worse shit than that before. most people have..

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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by moltar » Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:50 pm

I'm a dick and I'll strike again. Look out motherfuckers!

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Re: Haunted Basement summer calendar

Post by TooManyHumyns » Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:39 pm

i have no issue to resolve with nate, his actions spoke, and thats all i need, i dont need to talk anything sure all the people involved will get over it sooner or later, i have nothing to get over when it comes down to it...thats one thing this thread has shown me....i just think an apology and replacement of broken parts would be the right thing to do...that would show responsibility for poor actions...and i agree, worse things have happened...i only sully, who sullys me. i dont want to destroy anybody's character...he did what he did...end of changed how i view him as a person and 'band mate'. thats just how it is...nothing to 'get over'. this conversation should never of made it to this point, it got here by a misinterpreted/poorly worded comment i made...all that i wanted to say in this thread was 'stop bitching, keep trying, things will get better' to rooster.i would have been happy ending it there...

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