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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by Big Fat Retard » Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:07 pm ... 29_pf.html

Study Finds No Cancer-Marijuana Connection

By Marc Kaufman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, May 26, 2006; A03

The largest study of its kind has unexpectedly concluded that smoking marijuana, even regularly and heavily, does not lead to lung cancer.

The new findings "were against our expectations," said Donald Tashkin of the University of California at Los Angeles, a pulmonologist who has studied marijuana for 30 years.

"We hypothesized that there would be a positive association between marijuana use and lung cancer, and that the association would be more positive with heavier use," he said. "What we found instead was no association at all, and even a suggestion of some protective effect."

Federal health and drug enforcement officials have widely used Tashkin's previous work on marijuana to make the case that the drug is dangerous. Tashkin said that while he still believes marijuana is potentially harmful, its cancer-causing effects appear to be of less concern than previously thought.

Earlier work established that marijuana does contain cancer-causing chemicals as potentially harmful as those in tobacco, he said. However, marijuana also contains the chemical THC, which he said may kill aging cells and keep them from becoming cancerous.

Tashkin's study, funded by the National Institutes of Health's National Institute on Drug Abuse, involved 1,200 people in Los Angeles who had lung, neck or head cancer and an additional 1,040 people without cancer matched by age, sex and neighborhood.

They were all asked about their lifetime use of marijuana, tobacco and alcohol. The heaviest marijuana smokers had lighted up more than 22,000 times, while moderately heavy usage was defined as smoking 11,000 to 22,000 marijuana cigarettes. Tashkin found that even the very heavy marijuana smokers showed no increased incidence of the three cancers studied.

"This is the largest case-control study ever done, and everyone had to fill out a very extensive questionnaire about marijuana use," he said. "Bias can creep into any research, but we controlled for as many confounding factors as we could, and so I believe these results have real meaning."

Tashkin's group at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA had hypothesized that marijuana would raise the risk of cancer on the basis of earlier small human studies, lab studies of animals, and the fact that marijuana users inhale more deeply and generally hold smoke in their lungs longer than tobacco smokers -- exposing them to the dangerous chemicals for a longer time. In addition, Tashkin said, previous studies found that marijuana tar has 50 percent higher concentrations of chemicals linked to cancer than tobacco cigarette tar.

While no association between marijuana smoking and cancer was found, the study findings, presented to the American Thoracic Society International Conference this week, did find a 20-fold increase in lung cancer among people who smoked two or more packs of cigarettes a day.

The study was limited to people younger than 60 because those older than that were generally not exposed to marijuana in their youth, when it is most often tried.
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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by servo » Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:10 pm

washington post?
university of california?

suspect at best, am i right?
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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by Big Fat Retard » Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:12 pm

This has been known since the early 70's but Nixon had the study hidden. I guess his hate for hippies was more powerful than his compassion for helping sick people. ... ancer.html

Active Ingredient in Marijuana Kills Brain Cancer Cells
Experts say finding worth further study, but patients shouldn't light up just yet
Posted April 1, 2009
By Alan Mozes
HealthDay Reporter

WEDNESDAY, April 1 (HealthDay News) -- New research out of Spain suggests that THC -- the active ingredient in marijuana -- appears to prompt the death of brain cancer cells.

The finding is based on work with mice designed to carry human cancer tumors, as well as from an analysis of THC's impact on tumor cells extracted from two patients coping with a highly aggressive form of brain cancer.

Explaining that the introduction of THC into the brain triggers a cellular self-digestion process known as "autophagy," study co-author Guillermo Velasco said his team has isolated the specific pathway by which this process unfolds, and noted that it appears "to kill cancer cells, while it does not affect normal cells."

Velasco is with the department of biochemistry and molecular biology in the School of Biology at Complutense University in Madrid. The findings were published in the April issue of The Journal of Clinical Investigation.

The Spanish researchers focused on two patients suffering from "recurrent glioblastoma multiforme," a fast-moving form of brain cancer. Both patients had been enrolled in a clinical trial designed to test THC's potential as a cancer therapy.

Using electron microscopes to analyze brain tissue taken both before and after a 26- to 30-day THC treatment regimen, the researchers found that THC eliminated cancer cells while it left healthy cells intact.

The team also was able, in what it described as a "novel" discovery, to track the signaling route by which this process was activated.

These findings were replicated in work with mice, which had been "engineered" to carry three different types of human cancer tumor grafts.

"These results may help to design new cancer therapies based on the use of medicines containing the active principle of marijuana and/or in the activation of autophagy," Velasco said.

Outside experts suggested that more research is needed before advocating marijuana as a medicinal intervention for brain cancer.

Dr. John S. Yu, co-director of the Comprehensive Brain Tumor Program in the Maxine Dunitz Neurosurgical Institute at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, said the findings were "not surprising."

"There have been previous reports to this effect as well," he said. "So this is yet another indication that THC has an anti-cancer effect, which means it's certainly worth further study. But it does not suggest that one should jump at marijuana for a potential cure for cancer, and one should not urge anyone to start smoking pot right away as a means of curing their own cancer."

But that's exactly what many brain cancer patients have been doing, said Dr. Paul Graham Fisher, the Beirne Family director of Neuro-Oncology at Stanford University.

"In fact, 40 percent of brain tumor patients in the U.S. are already using alternative treatments, ranging from herbals to vitamins to marijuana," he said. "But that actually points out a cautionary tale here, which is that many brain cancer patients are already rolling a joint to treat themselves, but we're not really seeing brain tumors suddenly going away as a result, which we clearly would've noticed if it had that effect. So we need to be open-minded. But this suggests that the promise of THC might be a little over-hoped, and certainly requires further investigation before telling people to go out and roll a joint."
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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by DaVo » Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:46 pm

Big Fat Retard wrote:
And you believe what the government tells you because............?
Here stands the problem. Most studies of Marijuana have been conducted with governmental funding. Weather it be the FDA or a University if you look in to the money trail, Uncle Sam always put in a few bucks here and there. So if you are going to throw out the studies listed on the FDA site, then you have to throw out the ones on the NORML site too. Both are funded by the Government. If there is any truth to this whole pot being a wonder drug is true, you would think that Holland would have huge long term studies proving it by now.

I think the truth lies some where in the middle:

1. Marijuana is potentially carcinogenic. Though for someone to get cancer from smoking it they would have to smoke a great deal.

2. Marijuana has a larger amount of tar then cigarettes. Thus increasing the risk of lung and respiratory problems. Once again would have to be in large doses.

3. No study has conclusively proven that ingesting marijuana cures health problems but it does relieve the side effects of some medical treatments. But let's face it a majority of those smoking pot don't have AIDS or Cancer, they are doing it cause they want to get intoxicated.

4. Use of marijuana causes a number of short term mental disorders. Such as Depression, anxiety, panic attacks and social withdraw. It also greatly impairs the users motor skills and decision making process. From personal experience with friends that smoked pot, many of which were already depressive and suffered from panic attacks and anxiety, because of their long term uses of marijuana these problems were in fact amplified. Most abused marijuana in much the same way alcoholics abused alcohol. Though didn't have the physical withdraws there were without a doubt a huge mental withdraw when they cut back or quit to the point that they couldn't function.

5. The additives. This might be stories of the boogie man but the fact is that the marijuana that reaches the dealer has passed through many hands and often the source is unknown. So the idea is not that far fetched.

6. Marijuana is not the magic gateway drug but do to it's classification as legal, it does tend increase the chances of the users coming in contact with other hard drugs. I do think the idea that smoking pot is going to turn you into a crankhead is crazy but anti-social and criminal activity of the Marijuana sub-culture will increase the chance of being offered coke at a party. If anything the law is what has created this situation.

Like I stated before decriminalize it and tax the fuck out of it but don't treat it like this harmless substance that you should include in the high school lunch program. It is a substance that has the potential of harm and should be a control substance. Oh and it tends to increase the likelihood of developing really bad taste in music.
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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by Big Fat Retard » Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:58 pm

Davo, once again, you're speaking on something you know absolutely nothing about. You remind me of one of those guys that doesn't know how to change his oil, but likes to go hang out at the garage and try to talk cars and engines with real mechanics.

Go have a beer and shut up.
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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by DaVo » Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:59 pm

Big Fat Retard wrote:
The Spanish researchers focused on two patients suffering from "recurrent glioblastoma multiforme," a fast-moving form of brain cancer. Both patients had been enrolled in a clinical trial designed to test THC's potential as a cancer therapy.
Wow what a huge long term study. Two people. Was there more people involved in this study? What other treatments were the patients undergoing at the time?

Most of what I read is that it keeps the cancer at bay because it kills off older cells and supposedly allows the body to grow healthy cells to replace them. This is not a cure. It has also been shown(I'm lazy today, I'm not looking it up) that spread of lung cancer was slow by continuing to smoke tobacco because the tobacco reduced reproduction of cancer cells. With this logic might as well start handing out Cowboy Killers at the Cancer Ward.
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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by DaVo » Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:00 pm

Big Fat Retard wrote:Davo, once again, you're speaking on something you know absolutely nothing about. You remind me of one of those guys that doesn't know how to change his oil, but likes to go hang out at the garage and try to talk cars and engines with real mechanics.

Go have a beer and shut up.
Was it the fact that smoking marijuana increase bad taste in music?
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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by joseph » Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:01 pm

the people that dont partake really dont give a fuck if its bad for you. i think this is a stupid topic but it is kinda hilarious to see jrs worked up by avo.

everybody that doesnt but wants it taxed and regulated seems like theyd throw a fit and make them abide by the same rules as tobacco smokers.

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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by DaVo » Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:09 pm

joseph wrote:the people that dont partake really dont give a fuck if its bad for you. i think this is a stupid topic but it is kinda hilarious to see jrs worked up by avo.

everybody that doesnt but wants it taxed and regulated seems like theyd throw a fit and make them abide by the same rules as tobacco smokers.
Yup same rules as tobacco with the exception of the legal age would 21.

I've just gotten sick of listening of years of listen to buzz killing pot smokers go on and on about how great marijuana is for you and should be legal for all the health benefits. When none of them are using it for anything other then to get really, really high. It's all bullshit.

Oh and don't get me started on second hand marijuana smoke.

Legalize it and tax the fuck out of it. It's a cash cow for the government.
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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by Big Fat Retard » Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:17 pm

Of course I use it for no other reason than to get stoned, but it should be legal to use for any purpose and it shouldn't be taxed or regulated at all, although that would be a step in the right direction. I wouldn't pay a tax on it anyway.

It's a natural plant and for anyone to think it's ok for the government to control a plant is just retarded. Only a commie would think that way. Spinach kills more people than cannabis, yet I don't see anyone going to jail for eating it. Matter of fact, aspirin kills more people than cannabis. Why hasn't Walgreen's been raided lately?
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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by ilikehorses » Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:28 pm

Big Fat Retard wrote: Spinach kills more people than cannabis, yet I don't see anyone going to jail for eating it. Matter of fact, aspirin kills more people than cannabis. Why hasn't Walgreen's been raided lately?
references please.
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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by DaVo » Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:41 pm

Big Fat Retard wrote:Of course I use it for no other reason than to get stoned, but it should be legal to use for any purpose and it shouldn't be taxed or regulated at all, although that would be a step in the right direction. I wouldn't pay a tax on it anyway.

It's a natural plant and for anyone to think it's ok for the government to control a plant is just retarded. Only a commie would think that way. Spinach kills more people than cannabis, yet I don't see anyone going to jail for eating it. Matter of fact, aspirin kills more people than cannabis. Why hasn't Walgreen's been raided lately?
Spinach kills people? Oh come on. If you abuse anything it's going to kill you. Doesn't matter if it's a pitbull or being a dumb ass and taking 200 aspirins. If marijuana uses went up, you would starting seeing more stupid people killing themselves from it's uses.

Oh so it's communist to control a natural plant. Guess that goes for the Coca plant, Opium poppy and peyote. I mean if it comes from nature it must be good for you right?

It would be interesting to watch the DEA focus go from trying to stop mass production to busting those growing pot in a closet in their house.
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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by Big Fat Retard » Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:44 pm

ilikehorses wrote:
Big Fat Retard wrote: Spinach kills more people than cannabis, yet I don't see anyone going to jail for eating it. Matter of fact, aspirin kills more people than cannabis. Why hasn't Walgreen's been raided lately?
references please.
You don't remember the big spinach scare a couple years ago when people who ate it died from poisoning of some sort?

I don't have the time to get you stats, but people do die from ODing on aspirin.

Unlike alcohol and other legal drugs, it is impossible to die from simply consuming cannabis no matter how much you use. The worst that will happen from an overdose of cannabis is you'll fall asleep and wake up hungry as hell.

Davo, your talk about cannabis links to mental illness, anxiety and depression is pure bullshit. Most of those people were like that long before they smoked weed. Alcohol causes way more mental problems than weed ever will. I know several people who use cannabis to treat those exact things you mentioned and it works way better than all the pharmacuetical shit the big money people and government want to push on us. They want you to take their drugs like a good little sheeple while they throw people in jail for using an herb.
Last edited by Big Fat Retard on Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by Big Fat Retard » Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:46 pm

DaVo wrote:Oh so it's communist to control a natural plant. Guess that goes for the Coca plant, Opium poppy and peyote. I mean if it comes from nature it must be good for you right?
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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by DaVo » Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:00 pm

Big Fat Retard wrote:
ilikehorses wrote:
Big Fat Retard wrote: Spinach kills more people than cannabis, yet I don't see anyone going to jail for eating it. Matter of fact, aspirin kills more people than cannabis. Why hasn't Walgreen's been raided lately?
references please.
You don't remember the big spinach scare a couple years ago when people who ate it died from poisoning of some sort?

I don't have the time to get you stats, but people do die from ODing on aspirin.

Unlike alcohol and other legal drugs, it is impossible to die from simply consuming cannabis no matter how much you use. The worst that will happen from an overdose of cannabis is you'll fall asleep and wake up hungry as hell.

Davo, your talk about cannabis links to mental illness, anxiety and depression is pure bullshit. Most of those people were like that long before they smoked weed. Alcohol causes way more mental problems than weed ever will. I know several people who use cannabis to treat those exact things you mentioned and it works way better than all the pharmacuetical shit the big money people and government want to push on us. They want you to take their drugs like a good little sheeple while they throw people in jail for using an herb.
I'm talking from personal experience of watching friends who were diagnosed as manic depressive and given medication to deal with it. In both cases they smoked on average 2 to 3 bowls a day. Neither had any signs of metal illness before they began to abuse marijuana and both show no signs of depression since quitting. You can't tell me that there isn't a connection.

Marijuana is a depressive and an amplifier of mood swings. In other words if you are depressed it will increase the depression.
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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by ilikehorses » Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:07 pm

Big Fat Retard wrote:
ilikehorses wrote:
Big Fat Retard wrote: Spinach kills more people than cannabis, yet I don't see anyone going to jail for eating it. Matter of fact, aspirin kills more people than cannabis. Why hasn't Walgreen's been raided lately?
references please.
You don't remember the big spinach scare a couple years ago when people who ate it died from poisoning of some sort?

I don't have the time to get you stats, but people do die from ODing on aspirin.

Unlike alcohol and other legal drugs, it is impossible to die from simply consuming cannabis no matter how much you use. The worst that will happen from an overdose of cannabis is you'll fall asleep and wake up hungry as hell.

Davo, your talk about cannabis links to mental illness, anxiety and depression is pure bullshit. Most of those people were like that long before they smoked weed. Alcohol causes way more mental problems than weed ever will. I know several people who use cannabis to treat those exact things you mentioned and it works way better than all the pharmacuetical shit the big money people and government want to push on us. They want you to take their drugs like a good little sheeple while they throw people in jail for using an herb.
that wasn't spinach killing people, it was a harmful organism some dirty workers let get on the spinach, if i remember correctly. spinach can cause death, but it is rare.

and an overdose of aspirin would be intentional. you can't blame aspirin for people purposely overdosing.

and fact is, if you want to count these, what about people who smoke pot and crash their car? or people who do other fatal shit while high?

i'm pretty sure davo said he thought weed should be legal, so why are you arguing so much? it seems pretty pointless.
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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by Big Fat Retard » Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:30 pm

DaVo wrote:I'm talking from personal experience of watching friends who were diagnosed as manic depressive and given medication to deal with it. In both cases they smoked on average 2 to 3 bowls a day. Neither had any signs of metal illness before they began to abuse marijuana and both show no signs of depression since quitting. You can't tell me that there isn't a connection.

Marijuana is a depressive and an amplifier of mood swings. In other words if you are depressed it will increase the depression.
I used to haver a friend who was severly bi-polar and the only thing that kept him on an even keel was weed. he tried every pharm drug a doctor could give him and they all sucked. Different drugs work differently on different people. Just like Ritalin acts like speed for some people and a sedative for others.

Horseman, I ain't arguing with Davo about legalization. I'm arguing with him because he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. I'm just trying to help him become a better person.
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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by DaVo » Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:01 pm

Big Fat Retard wrote:
DaVo wrote:I'm talking from personal experience of watching friends who were diagnosed as manic depressive and given medication to deal with it. In both cases they smoked on average 2 to 3 bowls a day. Neither had any signs of metal illness before they began to abuse marijuana and both show no signs of depression since quitting. You can't tell me that there isn't a connection.

Marijuana is a depressive and an amplifier of mood swings. In other words if you are depressed it will increase the depression.
I used to haver a friend who was severly bi-polar and the only thing that kept him on an even keel was weed. he tried every pharm drug a doctor could give him and they all sucked. Different drugs work differently on different people. Just like Ritalin acts like speed for some people and a sedative for others.

Horseman, I ain't arguing with Davo about legalization. I'm arguing with him because he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. I'm just trying to help him become a better person.
I don't think thinking that marijuana is god's gift to mankind is going to make anyone better. I can only come to one conclusion, the truth lies in the middle and abuse of any drug is bad for you.
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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by Big Fat Retard » Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:53 pm

Actually, Cannabis is one of many God's gift to mankind. It's not a drug, it's a flowering herb. It's too bad ignorant and racist men have been trying to destroy it for their own peronal gain.

Seriously, Mr. Davo, you debating me on weed is like me debating you on hardcore punk and thinking I know what I'm talking about just because I saw the Ramones open up for Foriegner back in '78 and I own a Sex Pistols CD.
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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by RevGreen » Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:55 pm


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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by RevGreen » Wed Apr 22, 2009 11:13 pm


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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by Big Fat Retard » Wed Apr 22, 2009 11:27 pm

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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by inx515xhell » Thu Apr 23, 2009 1:54 pm

Big Fat Retard wrote:Davo, once again, you're speaking on something you know absolutely nothing about. You remind me of one of those guys that doesn't know how to change his oil, but likes to go hang out at the garage and try to talk cars and engines with real mechanics.

Go have a beer and shut up.

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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by Big Fat Retard » Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:39 pm

Marijuana Is Option to Unpleasant Meds, Teens Say
About a third of youths surveyed aren't smoking to get high

FRIDAY, April 24 (HealthDay News) -- Some teens are smoking marijuana not just for recreation but to self-medicate emotional problems, sleep difficulties and pain, a new study shows.

Researchers conducted in-depth interviews with 63 adolescents who smoked marijuana regularly. About a third of the teens said they used the drug as a medication rather than as a means of getting high.

The findings appear in the April 22 issue of Substance Abuse, Treatment, Prevention and Policy.

The most common complaints were emotional problems, including depression, anxiety and stress, sleep difficulties, and problems with concentration and pain.

"Youth who reported they had been prescribed drugs such as Ritalin, Prozac or sleeping pills stopped using them because they did not like how these drugs made them feel or found them ineffective," the authors said in a news release from the journal publisher. "For these kids, the purpose of smoking marijuana was not specifically about getting high or stoned."

The teens' experiences with the medical system were uniformly negative, according to the study.

"Marijuana is perceived by some teens to be the only available alternative for those experiencing difficult health problems when legitimate medical treatments have failed or when they lack access to appropriate health care," said Joan Bortoff, who worked on the study with a team of researchers from the University of British Columbia.

In contrast to the unpleasant side effects of prescribed medications and long and ineffective but legal therapies, marijuana provided the adolescents with immediate relief for a variety of health concerns, according to the study.

"It's not good for you, but then again, neither is McDonald's and a lot of other things," one teen told the researchers.

More information

The U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse has more preventing teen drug abuse.

SOURCE: BioMed Central, news release, April 22, 2009
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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by Walking Thunder » Fri Apr 24, 2009 2:07 pm

DaVo wrote:Also smoking marijuana can lead to increased anxiety, panic attacks, depression, social withdrawal, and other mental health problems. The effects can also cause short-term effects as distorted perception, memory loss, and trouble with thinking and problem solving. In other words it makes you stupid and increases the chances of causing harm to yourself and others. Lets not even get into the fact that there are often dangerous additives added to Marijuana to increase the effect of the THC such as PCP, ammonia, rubbing alcohol, and Embalming Fluid.
Makes you stupid and causes harm to yourself and others like this: ... 29949/1006
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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by Big Fat Retard » Fri Apr 24, 2009 4:15 pm

Walking Thunder wrote: Makes you stupid and causes harm to yourself and others like this: ... 29949/1006
Turner said the evidence suggests that Fry, after a night of heavy drinking, broke into McEwen’s apartment because he was disoriented and believed it to be his own apartment in Wilton.

Testimony showed that Fry was taken out barhopping in Iowa City to celebrate his 21st birthday.

Turner said Fry was in a blackout condition because of alcohol consumption and that a fight ensued between the men in the dark bedroom because Fry believed McEwen to be the intruder.
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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by DaVo » Fri Apr 24, 2009 5:08 pm

Big Fat Retard wrote:Marijuana Is Option to Unpleasant Meds, Teens Say
About a third of youths surveyed aren't smoking to get high

FRIDAY, April 24 (HealthDay News) -- Some teens are smoking marijuana not just for recreation but to self-medicate emotional problems, sleep difficulties and pain, a new study shows.

Researchers conducted in-depth interviews with 63 adolescents who smoked marijuana regularly. About a third of the teens said they used the drug as a medication rather than as a means of getting high.

The findings appear in the April 22 issue of Substance Abuse, Treatment, Prevention and Policy.

The most common complaints were emotional problems, including depression, anxiety and stress, sleep difficulties, and problems with concentration and pain.

"Youth who reported they had been prescribed drugs such as Ritalin, Prozac or sleeping pills stopped using them because they did not like how these drugs made them feel or found them ineffective," the authors said in a news release from the journal publisher. "For these kids, the purpose of smoking marijuana was not specifically about getting high or stoned."

The teens' experiences with the medical system were uniformly negative, according to the study.

"Marijuana is perceived by some teens to be the only available alternative for those experiencing difficult health problems when legitimate medical treatments have failed or when they lack access to appropriate health care," said Joan Bortoff, who worked on the study with a team of researchers from the University of British Columbia.

In contrast to the unpleasant side effects of prescribed medications and long and ineffective but legal therapies, marijuana provided the adolescents with immediate relief for a variety of health concerns, according to the study.

"It's not good for you, but then again, neither is McDonald's and a lot of other things," one teen told the researchers.

More information

The U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse has more preventing teen drug abuse.

SOURCE: BioMed Central, news release, April 22, 2009
Complete Bullshit. Kids smoke pot to get high. Next you are going to tell me that they are drinking at the Kegger cause they are worried about the health of their heart.

You made my point - "SOURCE: BioMed Central, news release, April 22, 2009"
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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by servo » Fri Apr 24, 2009 5:10 pm

bolding parts of text does not win any arguments
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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by servo » Fri Apr 24, 2009 5:11 pm

italics on the other hand make everything a fact

and smoking weed is good for you
Tu vir nunc es, canis

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Re: Million Marijuana Seed Movement

Post by joseph » Fri Apr 24, 2009 5:19 pm

ALL CAPS WINS ERYTIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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