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vegan question...

Post by TooManyHumyns » Sun Mar 08, 2009 12:17 pm

with all the vegan talk, i thought i'd pose a question....this is a serious question, this is not intended to piss anybody off...

do vegans put into consideration human conditions around the world?
ie products that come from shit factories and blah blah blah, the mining and slavery that goes into finding the mineral or whatever in the congo that makes cell phones get what im saying
im wondering if these types of issues are relevant to vegans...because when it comes down to it...humans are animals...
i know that ''humans are evil, 'animals' are innocent'', but do these issues pose any relevance to the vegan outlook on life...
this question kinda came to light in a humorous way...
i was watching an episode of south park(season 8 episode 808 'douche and turd') you can find it here:, and peta busts into the gym protesting the fact that south parks mascot is a cow...they throw blood on them or whatever...anyways they decide to change their mascot, and two of the options are redskins and indians...wendy states 'but aren't those names as equally offensive''(paraphrase) then responds 'yes, but p.e.t.a. doesn't care about people' or something along those lines....
do you find supporting companies that take advantage of and thrive off of the blood and the sweat of innocent adults, women and children to be vegan?
or is this question just irrelevant to the subject matter all together?
Last edited by TooManyHumyns on Sun Mar 08, 2009 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: vegan question...

Post by MUPPET BURGER » Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:51 pm

toomanyhumyns wrote:do vegans care about human conditions around the world?
ie products that come from shit factories and blah blah blah, the mining and slavery that goes into finding the mineral or whatever in the congo that makes cell phones get what im saying
im wondering if these types of issues are relevant to vegans...because when it comes down to it...humans are animals...
i know that ''humans are evil, 'animals' are innocent'', but do these issues pose any relevance to the vegan outlook on life...
that's actually a good question. i think there are many people who see the big picture--the economic impact of capitalism affects humans and non-humans alike. some don't understand that and perhaps their veganism reflects a refusal to participate/contribute to that specific repression.

the animal liberation movement, however, is a bit different. many folks dedicate, and risk, their entire lives for the sake of animals. unlike a demonstration or protest, rescuing an animal from a laboratory saves lives directly. it might not stop entirely stop animal exploitation industry, but it directly affects a life. most people i know involved in that arena definitely share compassion and solidarity with human struggles too but often fail to make the connection to the economics behind it.

without an understanding of how and why our social/economic system drives us to seek to dominate and exploit everything, we will not be able to alter the way animals are treated in any significant or long-lasting way.
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Re: vegan question...

Post by El Rhino » Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:58 pm

MUPPET BURGER wrote: without an understanding of how and why our social/economic system drives us to seek to dominate and exploit everything, we will not be able to alter the way animals are treated in any significant or long-lasting way.

Don't worry, I'll source this one for you. You must've forgotten or something... ... ganism.php

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Re: vegan question...

Post by moltar » Sun Mar 08, 2009 2:22 pm

This one time on South Park, these designers turned out to be crab people! This is a serious question but what's it like to be a crab people?

I used to be a crab person.... :(

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Re: vegan question...

Post by inx515xhell » Sun Mar 08, 2009 2:25 pm

moltar wrote:This one time on South Park, these designers turned out to be crab people! This is a serious question but what's it like to be a crab people?

I used to be a crab person.... :(

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Re: vegan question...

Post by TooManyHumyns » Sun Mar 08, 2009 2:33 pm

Avoiding the question with humor won't get us anywhere...nor does that prove a point. This is a relevant question that I've pondered for a long time. It seems to me many vegans are vegans because it's fashionable and they put no real thought into it. I can only name a small handful who could provide some sort of heartfelt and real response as to why they are vegan...Somebody please either agree with my said idea or make it irrelevant, I really am curious as to what vegans and non-vegans alike think...

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Re: vegan question...

Post by Big Fat Retard » Sun Mar 08, 2009 3:12 pm

TooManyHumyns wrote:Somebody please either agree with my said idea or make it irrelevant, I really am curious as to what vegans and non-vegans alike think...
They both like eating pussy unless they're gaymen....not that there's anything wrong with that.
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Re: vegan question...

Post by inx515xhell » Sun Mar 08, 2009 3:22 pm

veganism is fashionable? i wish that were the case.
i went vegan for moral and ethical reasons and stayed for the environment/health benefits. i really think you'd be hard pressed to find any vegans who "don't care about people". i speak for myself when i say i don't really know how i could affect the things you've mentioned, aside from signing petitions for college hipster bloodmouths, which i have really had my fill of lately. cutting meat out of one's diet is easier then ending slave labor in a country thousands of miles away, but that's not to say i don't care about them. i've logged countless hours doing humanitarian/volunteer work and i currently work for a non-profit. i think your statement of not knowing many vegans who care about these types of issues is pretty inaccurate.

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Re: vegan question...

Post by Nam » Sun Mar 08, 2009 3:29 pm

i wouldnt say vegans care about human exploitation, thats more a socialist concern though theyre both equally as trendy. so if you were to be a socialist vegan than you really would be albe to do much of anything. even dumpsters are made from the mistreatment of human life for the steal alone. a vegan socialist would have to buy only union made things were companies care for their skilled workers. try to find union made of a pack of morning star or 8th contenent. but thats a capitalist ideal. what a conundrum!

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Re: vegan question...

Post by TooManyHumyns » Sun Mar 08, 2009 3:40 pm

Thank you for your inquiries. They kinda leave me at my initial conclusion.

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Re: vegan question...

Post by inx515xhell » Sun Mar 08, 2009 3:54 pm

TooManyHumyns wrote:Thank you for your inquiries. They kinda leave me at my initial conclusion.
preeeee sure i didn't ask a question.

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Re: vegan question...

Post by Big Fat Retard » Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:05 pm

Would a vegan sit on a chair made of human hide?
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Re: vegan question...

Post by Nam » Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:11 pm

or use a jew skin lamp if it were really dark?

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Re: vegan question...

Post by creepykid » Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:33 pm

I think James that being vegan doesn't really have to relate to human suffering. Being vegan focuses on the cruelty of animals that can't defend themselves against human greed and consumption. Being concerned of others who are suffering in third world conditions or slaving away in sweatshops is a different subject to be concerned about. I think in reality they are both two very massive ideologies that are similar but should be taken one at a time. What I mean is for me being vegan has led me to be more concerned about humans suffering around the world and to be more aware of products I buy that are not just cruelty free from animals but cruelty free from humans, as in no sweatshop made products. I think that vegans should be concerned about human suffering too, but it's more successful to take things one stone at a time.

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Re: vegan question...

Post by TooManyHumyns » Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:33 pm

inx515xhell wrote:
TooManyHumyns wrote:Thank you for your inquiries. They kinda leave me at my initial conclusion.
preeeee sure i didn't ask a question.
Main Entry: in·qui·ry
Pronunciation: \in-ˈkwī(-ə)r-ē, ˈin-ˌ; ˈin-kwə-rē, ˈiŋ-; ˈin-ˌkwir-ē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural in·qui·ries
Date: 15th century
1 : examination into facts or principles : research
2 : a request for information
3 : a systematic investigation often of a matter of public interest

anyways maybe i've trailed off from my overall state that:
inx515xhell wrote:cutting meat out of one's diet is easier then ending slave labor in a country thousands of miles away, but that's not to say i don't care about them.
never did i state anything about ENDING slave labor in any country....or that any action we do over here could end it....does not consuming animal products end the exploitation of animals? obviously not, but you still choose to not consume the products at hand...wouldnt the same concept apply to my point above...obviously not buying products that human suffering went into won't solve the problem, but it can at least help you live a more 'cruelty free' lifestyle....

anyways, these are all just details...but important details...
main question....does human suffering have any place in the morality of being vegan? being as human are animals to, and are taken advantage of as well as exploited for other peoples convenience(sp) and disposal...

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Re: vegan question...

Post by TooManyHumyns » Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:53 pm

creepykid wrote:I think James that being vegan doesn't really have to relate to human suffering. Being vegan focuses on the cruelty of animals that can't defend themselves against human greed and consumption. Being concerned of others who are suffering in third world conditions or slaving away in sweatshops is a different subject to be concerned about. I think in reality they are both two very massive ideologies that are similar but should be taken one at a time. What I mean is for me being vegan has led me to be more concerned about humans suffering around the world and to be more aware of products I buy that are not just cruelty free from animals but cruelty free from humans, as in no sweatshop made products. I think that vegans should be concerned about human suffering too, but it's more successful to take things one stone at a time.
good call! i didn't see this post untill now...
i've always had a difficult time deciding how to relate the 2 if at all....this is probably the most productive way to take on the issue...thanks

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Re: vegan question...

Post by Thom » Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:54 pm

Being vegan does relate, but you can't possibly cut out all products related to cruelty.

If I were to stop using cell phones, driving cars, using light bulbs and electricity, wearing clothes I didn't make, etc... I would be living in a city park, eating roadkill and trying to hunt geese with a stick.

That doesn't mean that I enjoy purchasing sweat shop made products (I avoid it whenever possible), but the idea of being vegan (at least in my eyes) is to DIMINISH my impact on a set of practices I find disturbing.

But what the fuck do I know, I became vegan for all the hot pussy.

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Re: vegan question...

Post by Nam » Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:55 pm

dont know if this applies but ive heard many vegans say they would eat a human. maybe the its just the ability of knowing right from wrong and choosing the wrong constitutes the eating of them? anyways, having these conversations with more than a few lead me to belive whats lying on your dinner plate and human rights are two seprate subjects.

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Re: vegan question...

Post by ilikehorses » Sun Mar 08, 2009 6:38 pm

my question on the subject of veganism is, james, why lately are you seeming so anti-vegan? just wondering.
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Re: vegan question...

Post by TooManyHumyns » Sun Mar 08, 2009 6:54 pm

ilikehorses wrote:my question on the subject of veganism is, james, why lately are you seeming so anti-vegan? just wondering.
I Am def. Not anti vegan. What's wrong with asking questions? Please explain your point. I'm am actually seriously considering veganism again.

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Re: vegan question...

Post by ilikehorses » Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:02 pm

TooManyHumyns wrote:
ilikehorses wrote:my question on the subject of veganism is, james, why lately are you seeming so anti-vegan? just wondering.
I Am def. Not anti vegan. What's wrong with asking questions? Please explain your point. I'm am actually seriously considering veganism again.
i just got the impression you were anti-veganism based on a lot of remarks and things said. i wasn't attacking by any means, i was just wondering.
and there is nothing wrong with questioning.
Even today, I can't see a car run a red light without instantly having an image flash into my head of a man's erect penis, penetrating a watermelon.


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Re: vegan question...

Post by Nam » Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:10 pm

TooManyHumyns wrote:
ilikehorses wrote:my question on the subject of veganism is, james, why lately are you seeming so anti-vegan? just wondering.
I Am def. Not anti vegan. What's wrong with asking questions? Please explain your point. I'm am actually seriously considering veganism again.
can i have the plecenta?

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Re: vegan question...

Post by servo » Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:30 pm

i too would like to eat some placenta
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Re: vegan question...

Post by TooManyHumyns » Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:49 pm

Nam wrote:
TooManyHumyns wrote:
ilikehorses wrote:my question on the subject of veganism is, james, why lately are you seeming so anti-vegan? just wondering.
I Am def. Not anti vegan. What's wrong with asking questions? Please explain your point. I'm am actually seriously considering veganism again.
can i have the plecenta?
servo wrote:i too would like to eat some placenta
Don't know whether to respond to this question seriously or not.
My gut tells me not.

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Re: vegan question...

Post by servo » Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:59 pm

cook it up, call me up
you put a placenta in my face, ill eat it
we'll see who's joking then...

also i find it hilarious one of you flagged one of eds posts in this thread because "Warez » The post contains links to illegal or pirated software." i didnt realize we could flag each other. the flagger has been issued a warning, though i didnt realize we moderators had access to warning buttons, so im not sure what that did.

im gonna go edit a bunch of other posts and then flag them
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Re: vegan question...

Post by TooManyHumyns » Sun Mar 08, 2009 8:21 pm

ilikehorses wrote:
TooManyHumyns wrote:
ilikehorses wrote:my question on the subject of veganism is, james, why lately are you seeming so anti-vegan? just wondering.
I Am def. Not anti vegan. What's wrong with asking questions? Please explain your point. I'm am actually seriously considering veganism again.
i just got the impression you were anti-veganism based on a lot of remarks and things said. i wasn't attacking by any means, i was just wondering.
and there is nothing wrong with questioning.
Sorry Ed, I just reported your post and posted my response in the report. So I will do my best to restate what I typed. My main issue with veganism is all of the shades of grey and personal interpretations of the ideology. This causes me to ask many different questions and bring up points about certain conflicts.

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Re: vegan question...

Post by TooManyHumyns » Sun Mar 08, 2009 8:25 pm

servo wrote:cook it up, call me up
you put a placenta in my face, ill eat it
we'll see who's joking then...

also i find it hilarious one of you flagged one of eds posts in this thread because "Warez » The post contains links to illegal or pirated software." i didnt realize we could flag each other. the flagger has been issued a warning, though i didnt realize we moderators had access to warning buttons, so im not sure what that did.

im gonna go edit a bunch of other posts and then flag them
No. That was a total accident. I'm typing this on an iPod and I didn't realize I flagged it untill I hit submit.sorry

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Re: vegan question...

Post by servo » Sun Mar 08, 2009 8:28 pm

well i dont give a shit. im going to report you now. for posting from an ipod
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Re: vegan question...

Post by Nam » Sun Mar 08, 2009 8:37 pm

so can i have it? dont let a good thing go to waste! its also vegan so any of you that have had a craving to break your edge should get down on this as well!

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Re: vegan question...

Post by Nick » Sun Mar 08, 2009 10:02 pm

I sometimes wonder how most vegans feel about abortion. Than't not a condescending question either. I honestly wonder. I mean it seems a lot of the reasons why people choose to become vegan is because of how animals are treated and used like a "product" for consumption by humans. But then a lot of those same people I have met are also pro-choice. To me, it is sort of hypocritical to say say it is wrong to kill an animal for ethical or moral reasons, yet alright to take the life of a human fetus.

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