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How Much is 89.7 Sextillion? - Zimbabwe Content

Post by El Rhino » Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:47 pm ... =exclusive

89.7 Sextillion is Zimbabwe's rate of inflation. 12.6 Trillion Zimbabwe dollars to one US dollar.


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Re: How Much is 89.7 Sextillion? - Zimbabwe Content

Post by Hank Fist » Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:24 pm

Oh the bread basket of Africa, where have you gone?

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Re: How Much is 89.7 Sextillion? - Zimbabwe Content

Post by El Rhino » Wed Feb 25, 2009 2:08 pm

No shit. When it was Rhodesia their dollar was pretty much 1 for 1 on our dollar.

Mugabe has got to be the worst leader in history. He was handed a prosperous country with a solid infrastructure on a platter and fucks it up this bad.

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Re: How Much is 89.7 Sextillion? - Zimbabwe Content

Post by Tampa Josh » Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:23 am


The last word in Rhodesian is IAN
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Re: How Much is 89.7 Sextillion? - Zimbabwe Content

Post by Hank Fist » Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:08 pm

matt damon is there now, so it'll probably work out.

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Re: How Much is 89.7 Sextillion? - Zimbabwe Content

Post by Hank Fist » Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:10 pm

matt damon wrote:matt damon

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Re: How Much is 89.7 Sextillion? - Zimbabwe Content

Post by Tampa Josh » Fri Mar 06, 2009 7:59 am

It was already worked out in the 1970's....
Thom wrote: At least assholes like tampa josh know they hate people.

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Re: How Much is 89.7 Sextillion? - Zimbabwe Content

Post by Tampa Josh » Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:33 pm

We patrolled the region in "Sticks" of four, looking for groups of terrorists who travelled in groups of 30 to 40 strong. We could never understand why the local population could not grasp the following:

The special branch told us that the local people thought we were weak and ineffectual. You see, much like Iraq today (2008-04-17) our strategy was to win the hearts and minds of the people. We were kind and decent to them and did all we could to protect them from horrifically vicious and brutal attacks carried out by the black terrorists. For example, they would come into a village at night, accuse a family of collaborating with the army, then literally dismember them alive, tearing off body parts like ears, lips etc., with pliers or cutting them off with knives, the husband, being the likely victim. His wife might then be made to eat his parts in front of her children. The terrorists would then destroy their livelihood by disemboweling their cattle or hacking off their legs whilst still alive, and often, as a coup de grace, they would tie up the family with barbed wire, throw them in a hut, and burn them alive. They made it clear to the other villagers what happened to whomever they decided was a collaborator. And, how do you win a war against that?

We were dealing with simple farming people who just wanted to live in peace on their little family farms and they were absolutely terrified of these brutal savages. They could not however seem to correlate the fact that only four of us young boys at a time would go out searching for groups of 30 - 40 terrorists. They could not grasp that the terrorists avoided us like the plague and they could not see that when four of us ran into 30 or 40 the latter came off very badly each time. We could not go around beating up and killing women and children just to show them we were strong and could do it too.

The army organized demonstrations to show the people that our weapons were strong - and I participated in a number of these. We put up barrels of water, rocks, etc. and blasted them with our rifles and machine guns accompanied by lots of oohs and ahs from the people - but it meant nothing. They were still too afraid to tell us anything as, by doing so, their lives were at stake. The army even resorted to doing the following to try to get through that we were able to kill the terrorists when we caught them. Often, after a contact, the dead bodies of the terrorists would be collected together and placed in a lage rope net. A helicopter would then pick up this net and fly to many of the local villages, landing in each one, to show the people that we had killed the terrorists who had attacked them.

Alas, all to no avail. When you know that you and your family are likely to be literally ripped apart if you say something, you say nothing...
Thom wrote: At least assholes like tampa josh know they hate people.

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Re: How Much is 89.7 Sextillion? - Zimbabwe Content

Post by Tampa Josh » Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:49 pm

Zimbabwe - Another Nail in the Coffin of Black Africa

My ancestors arrived in Africa in 1688 and fought for Britain in three major wars yet that country, and the rest of the world - except South Africa, turned on Rhodesia & forced its pro-western government to collapse.

Zimbabwe is now ruled by a ruthless dictator & ex-terrorist, Robert Mugabe. Soon after coming to power he used his troops trained by the North Koreans to massacre about 30,000 Matabele tribes-people, his political opposition. The world's media hypocrites of course said absolutely nothing. You see, they don't care about black people killing other black people in Africa as that is not news & does not generate ratings.

I visited Zimbabwe recently & was shocked by the state of the country & how Mugabe's government has destroyed it in less than twenty years. I was appalled at the terrible state Bulawayo is in and the hardship that the ordinary black people, especially the Matabele, are going through. What is so crazy is that the world's governments forced the Smith government into surrendering to majority rule and thereby "liberated" the black people into a time of hardship and oppression far worse than anything that ever existed in the previous almost one hundred years of white rule.

When he came to power Mugabe was lauded by western political commentators, governments and media as being the new hope of Africa, as a wonderful educated leader who would demonstrate that majority rule in Africa could work and as a great statesman. How wrong they all were.

But, this was not surprising to us in Africa, the western world did the same with the abominable Idi Amin of Uganda a few years earlier. The British government and journalists kissed Idi's backside and fell all over him calling him "...a rather jolly fellow..." when he was one of the most despicable and brutal dictators ever to exist in Africa.

Mugabe, true to the form of every other majority leader in Africa, revealed his true colors a few short years after coming to power. He has followed exactly the same path of abuse adding another ring of truth to the saying in Africa that when you have a majority government in Africa you have:

"One man - One vote - One time" - Or at least until the dictator dies or is overthrown by some violent act. Now that he is in power Mugabe is only interested in keeping himself in power at any cost.

As a teenager growing up in Rhodesia I remember activists like Peter Hain working for the overthrow of the Rhodesian government. We saw the unbelievable chaos and bloodshed in black countries to our north and wondered why Hain & others like him could not see that the same chaos and brutality would result in Rhodesia should it be handed over to majority rule. Majority rule had not worked anywhere else in Africa yet these people defied history and logic and claimed it would work in Rhodesia.

Today, Peter Hain is an MP in Britain & where are his screams and protests about the atrocities that have continued for almost 20 years committed by a government he helped install? He has done nothing tangible to stop Mugabe from brutalizing his own people & destroying their country. Hain's hands and the hands of those who worked with him carry the blood of innocents butchered at the behest of Mugabe.

(Note: On January 4th, 2008 Peter Hain resigned in disgrace from his post in the British government brought about by a financial scandal regarding his nondisclosure of about 100,000 GBP donated to him. Hain claimed he "...forgot..." about this money he had not declared. The investigation continued, and as they put irt, "...further dubious financial practices have surfaced including employing his 80-year-old mother on a Commons salary...").

And oh, the British government threatens to expel Zimbabwe from the commonwealth - how tragic - I am sure Mugabe must be shaking in his boots over this...When I was a teenager the British government blockaded our country, sent warships to patrol the Indian Ocean coast to stop us from receiving supplies, applied major economic sanctions & even provided arms for communist-backed terrorists - yet, what is the British government AND Peter Hains doing today to stop the atrocities in Zimbabwe?

And, by the way, where is the Royal Family in this? They supported the "liberation" of Africa too but never seem to have noticed the tribalistic slavery into which the people of their former colonies in Africa have been freed.

And, where are the outraged cries from Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the great Bishop Desmond Tutu winner of a Nobel Peace prize? Shouldn't they all be screaming about the abuse of their brothers and sisters in Africa by another brother - or would this not do much for their popularity?... I wonder. Strange how these men of the cloth are so quiet now.

Sorry, but Rhodesia never got a fair deal in the world's media and Zimbabwe barely features now because Mugabe, the media's darling African leader, has not exactly lived up to expectations and they don't want to look at him too closely. The media painted us white Rhodesians as racists of the worst extreme. They made out to the world that we were living in luxury off the backs of poor oppressed masses but this was simply not true. They used exceptions to distort the perception of the whole country and the world's unthinking masses fell for it all hook-line-and-sinker. Never did they show the good that the white government of Rhodesia actually did. The media ignored tribalism in Africa that is racist to the extreme coupled with vicious brutality and deliberately oversimplified the whole situation to a black / white issue. What angers me today is that were the situation reversed, i.e. a white government taking only one black farmer's land the media would be screaming from one end of our planet to another. The double standards are amazing and sickening.

Bishop Abel Muzorewa was the first elected black prime minister of Zimbabwe. Mugabe of course did not accept Muzorewa's victory and carried on with the terrorist war until another election was held which he won via rampant brutality and intimidation. Muzorewa however won his seat in parliament. Within a short time Zimbabwe started degenerating into chaos under Mugabe's abuse and in about 1983 Muzorewa criticized him in parliament. Muzorewa stated that the enemy of Zimbabwe was not the whites, was not South Africa, was not the Jews in Israel but was their own black government. He stated that the country was suffering more oppression under its black government than it had ever suffered under white rule. Needless to say this did not sit well with Mugabe. Muzorewa was arrested a few days later and thrown into prison where he was left for about a year - with no outcries from the world's media. Freedom of the press and of expression does not exist in Africa - unless of course you preach the party line.

Recently Mugabe called the white farmers "...the enemy of the people..." and gave the population the right to take over any white-owned farm they wanted. In the ensuing chaos hundreds of farms have been taken & destroyed & many farmers AND their loyal black employees killed have been severely assaulted by gangs of black thugs claiming to be "war veterans." The funny thing is however that most of these so-called "war veterans" are so young they were not even born when the war ended. And, oh, by the way, Mugabe's government has now been kicking black squatters off formerly productive white farmers' land & giving the farms to select black members of the ruling dictatorship. Where is the media outcry over this?

The absolute madness of this whole situation is that it is these few remaining white farmers that actually feed the country & bring in much needed foreign currency. The peasant farmers produce nothing. Yet Mugabe, out of political expediency, is destroying the country even further then comes to the western world with his begging bowl. And, for all these years, the western world has been dumb enough to pour money into this bottomless pit in support of a ruthless dictator. 20 years after coming to power Mugabe is still blaming the whites for the countries woes while he and his cohorts live like kings with most of his people destitute and on the verge of starvation.

Sorry, but the world needs a major reality check when it comes to the "liberation" of Africa.

The concept of DEMOCRACY does not exist in the minds of the governments on that pathetic continent. The strongest tribe rules and only cares about keeping itself in power. That is the lore of Africa & that is why I no longer live there.
Thom wrote: At least assholes like tampa josh know they hate people.

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Re: How Much is 89.7 Sextillion? - Zimbabwe Content

Post by Hank Fist » Sat Mar 07, 2009 1:12 pm

Mugabe's opposition leader was in a crash yesterday, his wife was killed, he's in the ICU. Power sharing deal is working out.

I have a hard time wrapping my brain around the concept of taking over what could be a fairly fruitful country, and then making it really hard on myself by starting wars within it. I'm kind of lazy though.

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Re: How Much is 89.7 Sextillion? - Zimbabwe Content

Post by Tampa Josh » Sat Mar 07, 2009 1:24 pm

Hank Fist wrote:Mugabe's opposition leader was in a crash yesterday, his wife was killed, he's in the ICU. Power sharing deal is working out.

I have a hard time wrapping my brain around the concept of taking over what could be a fairly fruitful country, and then making it really hard on myself by starting wars within it. I'm kind of lazy though.
Warning in 1980:

Thom wrote: At least assholes like tampa josh know they hate people.

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