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giving away/selling childrens clothes is soon to be illegal!

Post by TooManyHumyns » Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:02 am

some people may care about this
theres a petition at the bottom and whatnot...

The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) as signed into law will make it illegal for parents to resell or even give away their even gently used children's clothing come February 10th, 2009.

The broad scope of the complicated law, and it's interpretation by CPSC has
effectively made it illegal for parents to resell their children's clothing
and gear at a garage sale, on eBay, Craig's List, through consignment stores or annual children's consignment sales.If donated to a nonprofit like Goodwill
or Salvation Army, those organizations can't legally resell it, as of February
10th. That's right.
Hand-me-down clothing for kid's age 12 and under will be
illegal to resell or give away. It will be a banned hazardous product.
of $100,000, potential jail time and label as a felon for violations are

It will not be allowed to be given away but must be sent to landfills.
waste of our resources.

Please sign the petition and contact your members of congress to keep used
children's clothing legal:

http://www. rallycongress. com/make-second-hand-kids-clothes-legal-/

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Re: giving away/selling childrens clothes is soon to be illegal!

Post by tylerjames515 » Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:32 am

Please me tell me this is some stupid joke. That has to be the dumbest thing I've ever read, it's like saying I can't give my little brother a shirt cause I don't wear it anymore.

When I was younger cleaning out the garage and trying to sell that shit used to be pretty fun. My sister and I would split the money and get ice cream or whatever.
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Re: giving away/selling childrens clothes is soon to be illegal!

Post by ginx86 » Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:38 am

Snopes says this is false

From the snopes article it sounds like the original wording was a little unclear and people,of course, overreacted. The CPSIA later clarified itself and and said the new regulations would not affect consignment and second hand stores.

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Re: giving away/selling childrens clothes is soon to be illegal!

Post by inx515xhell » Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:57 am

stop having kids.
problem solved.

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Re: giving away/selling childrens clothes is soon to be illegal!

Post by TooManyHumyns » Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:06 pm

thanks for the info, snopes reliable though? i hadn't looked into it further, i only knew that it had something to do with kids clothes not being fire resistant...and having to have some chemical on them, which is fucked up...
inx515xhell wrote:stop having kids.
problem solved.
don't know if this was cynical, but here we go...
your totally right, but this statement is almost a cop out...but if your truely,100% against over population, then suicide is the viable answer...take yerself out to set and example...don't take the 'well im already here, and i like, do stuff for the world, and its not my fault i was born so im not responsible' angle, because frankly, everybody here, on earth is responsible for the 'problem'(whatever that may be)
aside from that, the 'if people just stopped having kids' arguement, is just silly...if people stopped doing alot of things this world would be a better place, buts its not reality...people do things, and one of them is reproduce, its one of our instincts, and as that it is a flaw to an extent... if society didn't progress to what it is today, some people would argue it would be a better place, but guess what it did, and you know what, im happy with wearing carhartts as opposed to deer hide for pants......there are negatives and positives to everything in this world...unless your advicating having some law passed that makes it mandatory for people to be sterilized, then this argument is bunk...
edit...or addition i this does not mean that i want you to go kill yourself..that would be fucking stupid and would make me sad...its just part of the discussion...
Last edited by TooManyHumyns on Sun Jan 11, 2009 3:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: giving away/selling childrens clothes is soon to be illegal!

Post by ginx86 » Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:50 pm

TooManyHumyns wrote:thanks for the info, snopes reliable though? i hadn't looked into it further, i only knew that it had something to do with kids clothes not being fire resistant...and having to have some chemical on them, which is fucked up...
Yeah Snopes is reliable. They pretty much exist to debunk internet myths and urban legends. Whenever you hear something completely far fetched on the net they're the place to go to find out if it's just a myth.

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Re: giving away/selling childrens clothes is soon to be illegal!

Post by TooManyHumyns » Sun Jan 11, 2009 3:06 pm

yeah, i just noticed they site all there sources and this was accurate, but they made changes...good deal...that would have been whack...thanks again for the clarification

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Re: giving away/selling childrens clothes is soon to be illegal!

Post by inx515xhell » Sun Jan 11, 2009 4:08 pm

that wasn't directed at you nor was it a cop out at all. i think every problem we face stems back to overpopulation. i say this with the risk of sounding like an asshole, but i'm not going to argue with you about this, because i'm right.

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Re: giving away/selling childrens clothes is soon to be illegal!

Post by TooManyHumyns » Sun Jan 11, 2009 4:19 pm

i agree, and dissagree and say that your thesis is right, but its only half the story, perhaps paul harvey could provide us with the rest...but i dont want to argue about it either...i still stand by my statement(i dont think your coping out, i just think that statement eliminates any other possible discussion...kinda like saying well god created everything, end of story)it just depends on how you view it and what problems one is talking about... i could go on, but like i said i dont want to argue either...and in truth we both probably sound like hard feelings...anyways this thread is irrelevant, because the info i brought forth was obsolete...though i would be interested in discussing this in a thread in the future..

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Re: giving away/selling childrens clothes is soon to be illegal!

Post by Thom » Sun Jan 11, 2009 6:23 pm

For the last two years I've been seriously considering getting a vasectomy.

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Re: giving away/selling childrens clothes is soon to be illegal!

Post by El Rhino » Sun Jan 11, 2009 6:47 pm

I'll kick you in the balls for free if you'd like.

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Re: giving away/selling childrens clothes is soon to be illegal!

Post by TooManyHumyns » Sun Jan 11, 2009 7:01 pm

Thom wrote:

For the last two years I've been seriously considering getting a vasectomy.
im getting one...but seriously, if your dead on serious about making the human race extinct, save the trouble, buy yourself a gun and kill yerself, or become a suicide bomber...i understand the arguement, and really everyone should get one if you have no intentions of having kids or having more kids...but creating a movement out of its, and putting status behind it is it for yourself, and your personal struggle...idk, i guess i can see it both ways...but,
the problem with this movement is that its based on the principal that humans are creating problems for and destroying the earth...the earth will survive with or without us...its egotistic to think otherwise...the earth will always one up us, and balance itself out

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Re: giving away/selling childrens clothes is soon to be illegal!

Post by ilikehorses » Sun Jan 11, 2009 7:26 pm

while i don't completely agree with VHEMT (what does the T stand for?), i found this answer to your question.

Q: Why don't you just kill yourself?

This could be the most frequently asked question of all. Fair enough question: if we're so bad for whatever habitat we're occupying, why don't we just stop it? There are several reasons why retroactive birth control isn't a part of VHEMT.

As explained above, increasing death is like trying to bail out a sinking boat without plugging the leak. People are flooding in twice as fast as they're bailing out.

It's hard enough just to get people to consider not breeding. Advocating suicide, by any method besides old age, would be a particularly hard sell. There's no way we could convince enough people to kill themselves to make a difference, especially after we're too dead to talk. Suicide doesn't set an example others will follow.

Death comes soon enough -- far too soon for many of us. After working most of our lives, a dozen years of retirement isn't too much to ask. Those years may be dedicated to humanitarian and environmental causes.

Shortening an existing person's life by a few decades doesn't avoid as many years of human impact as not creating a whole new life -- one with the potential for producing more of us.

We have a responsibility to help the world as much as we're able before we die. Leaving the work for others would be irresponsible.

VHEMT is a cause to live for not to die for.
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Re: giving away/selling childrens clothes is soon to be illegal!

Post by kylervk » Sun Jan 11, 2009 7:55 pm

who pulls out? BORING!

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Re: giving away/selling childrens clothes is soon to be illegal!

Post by kristy » Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:12 pm

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Re: giving away/selling childrens clothes is soon to be illegal!

Post by kylervk » Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:34 pm

id imagine thats one torn up vagina

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Re: giving away/selling childrens clothes is soon to be illegal!

Post by Bullet Tooth » Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:13 pm

so you can take them to a 2nd hand store and a consignment shop but not sell them yourself? is that right?

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Re: giving away/selling childrens clothes is soon to be illegal!

Post by Hank Fist » Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:22 pm




what's that?

it's not going to be illegal?


so.... it didn't need to go nuts up there?


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Re: giving away/selling childrens clothes is soon to be illegal!

Post by TooManyHumyns » Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:22 am

ilikehorses wrote:while i don't completely agree with VHEMT (what does the T stand for?), i found this answer to your question.

Q: Why don't you just kill yourself?

This could be the most frequently asked question of all. Fair enough question: if we're so bad for whatever habitat we're occupying, why don't we just stop it? There are several reasons why retroactive birth control isn't a part of VHEMT.

As explained above, increasing death is like trying to bail out a sinking boat without plugging the leak. People are flooding in twice as fast as they're bailing out.

It's hard enough just to get people to consider not breeding. Advocating suicide, by any method besides old age, would be a particularly hard sell. There's no way we could convince enough people to kill themselves to make a difference, especially after we're too dead to talk. Suicide doesn't set an example others will follow.

Death comes soon enough -- far too soon for many of us. After working most of our lives, a dozen years of retirement isn't too much to ask. Those years may be dedicated to humanitarian and environmental causes.

Shortening an existing person's life by a few decades doesn't avoid as many years of human impact as not creating a whole new life -- one with the potential for producing more of us.

We have a responsibility to help the world as much as we're able before we die. Leaving the work for others would be irresponsible.

VHEMT is a cause to live for not to die for.

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Re: giving away/selling childrens clothes is soon to be illegal!

Post by ginx86 » Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:51 am

Bullet Tooth wrote:so you can take them to a 2nd hand store and a consignment shop but not sell them yourself? is that right?
No the regulations apply to new clothes only. Sounds like they came up with some new reactionary rules because of the China lead toys scare last year.

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Re: giving away/selling childrens clothes is soon to be illegal!

Post by crow » Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:21 am

"boobiez and buttz"
- u-god of the wu tang clan

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Re: giving away/selling childrens clothes is soon to be illegal!

Post by TooManyHumyns » Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:03 pm local clothes made in america? just an idea

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Re: giving away/selling childrens clothes is soon to be illegal!

Post by maxxwell » Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:15 am

hahah kristy that chick is busted!!!


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Re: giving away/selling childrens clothes is soon to be illegal!

Post by Hank Fist » Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:04 pm

i dare anyone here to buy an entire Faded Glory outfit from Wal-Mart, light the bottom seam of the pants on fire, and try to get out of them before you are incinerated due to the huge amounts of chemicals and volatile gases let off by the initial combustion.

I'll put in $15.00

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