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Re: we finally got music

Post by Big Fat Retard » Sun Sep 21, 2008 3:18 pm

Maybe I'm off base here, but wouldn't someone who would want to go to the Liar's Club either be gay or a douchebag?
I poop on Petland!

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Re: we finally got music

Post by Bullet Tooth » Thu Sep 25, 2008 7:01 pm



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Re: we finally got music

Post by Bullet Tooth » Fri Sep 26, 2008 4:23 am

the tall dude in question is his friend carl. about 6'8" and 150. vargs bringing out the big guns.

lets start a list of people taking care of varg's business for him:

1) "the heist"
2) his two lawyer uncles
3) carl

i could have sworn there was more. somebody fill that in.

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Re: we finally got music

Post by Bullet Tooth » Sun Sep 28, 2008 3:10 pm

no one showed up last night to intimidate me.

let me guess, next week?

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Re: we finally got music

Post by Thom » Sun Sep 28, 2008 8:37 pm

This weekend I went in the liars club.

I promptly left.

No offense to anyone, just not my thing.

not even close.

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Re: we finally got music

Post by Bullet Tooth » Mon Sep 29, 2008 1:18 am

Thom wrote:This weekend I went in the liars club.

I promptly left.

No offense to anyone, just not my thing.

not even close.
yeah, i guess vagina isnt for everyone.

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Re: we finally got music

Post by Varg » Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:22 am

Bullet Tooth wrote:the tall dude in question is his friend carl. about 6'8" and 150. vargs bringing out the big guns.

lets start a list of people taking care of varg's business for him:

1) "the heist"
2) his two lawyer uncles
3) carl

i could have sworn there was more. somebody fill that in.
I heard your shit-talking isn't limited to this board- you also find it necessary to post on other boards about your social issues. I don't know what your problem is, but I would guess it probably has something to do with the fact that you were picked on for being a fat kid all the time- and now you're trying to exact some sort of revenge, the only way you know how- the internet and keeping people out of Liars.

You have had COUNTLESS opportunities to do something about your cock envy- but it was YOU who punked out. It was Tony and I who went out of our way to see YOU at the Mews- you had a bunch of friends there, and YOU did NOTHING. From that point on, you had no reason to talk any sort of shit. You had your chance and failed. Now I'm twice as big as I was then.....and you think everybody is going to believe that I'm afraid of you and that I'm the pussy?
You even had a chance BEFORE that- at the old HOB. You were there (again,you were there with three friends) mumbled something from your seat and then promptly left. You wanna make fun of skinny people- I was only about 170 lbs then- and you still did nothing.
I told you when I would be at Liars...almost a month in advance, and then you conveniently had to help somebody move. ( 11 p.m.-2 a.m.? You hangin' out with Vampires brah?)

The reason Carl was brought into this was because he's better friends with Earl than I am, and he's on pretty good terms with most of the doormen. Earl pierced my ears awhile back for free, but that was because I'm friends with someone who works at Sacred Skin (that's originally how I know Earl)- it wasn't until later that same night that we both found out we were friends with Carl. I wouldn't even say I'm friends with the guy- probably not even on a "I know your name" basis- but he recognizes me and anytime I'd see him there (which hasn't been for awhile) we would talk briefly.
My understanding is that Carl is good enough friends with him- that your two months of employment will not trump that. Therefore, you cannot and will not, keep me out. If Earl says I can go in, then I'm pretty sure you're gonna have to let me in, no matter how small your penis is.
If he respects his employees more than his friends, that's fine too. In fact if you really made an issue of it and told him you didn't want me in there and he said that was fine- I wouldn't be surprised at all. But again, I gotta tell you, I think he ultimately has more say in it than you do. I don't know why Carl didn't show up. Maybe you should ask him, instead of asking me. (Are you having me fight your battles for you now?)
I'm pretty sure next time he speaks with Earl, the issue of you will be touched upon briefly.

And really, my question is- Why...when I am in Boston, MA- an entire different time zone away, would you threaten to kick me out of Liars? If that's not the dumbest, most illogical, ape-like chest pounding homo-erotic, act of machoism I have ever seen on a message board, than it is easily the second most.

Speaking of ape-like thinking processes, do you even know why you are such a cunt? More specifically, such a cunt towards me? I bet you don't. I bet you just go with the flow.

So, let's recap:
I send Tony to fight my battles for me: No, I went with Tony to the mews and you had a bunch of your friends there- and nothing happened. Strike one.

I send Carl to fight my battles for me: No, he didn't even show up. LOL. Strike two..

I send my "two uncle lawyers" to fight for me: No, not yet. But I'm pretty sure if you keep it up I could work something out like deformation of character or slander. I dunno, what do you think crumpty? And that'd definitely be a strike three- yer out.

Bullet Tooth wrote:
yeah, i guess vagina isnt for everyone.
Yeah, I bet you get maaad pussy there. I hear the slutz that hang out there are into dudes with neck rolls.
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Re: we finally got music

Post by Potter » Mon Sep 29, 2008 6:21 am

Bullet Tooth wrote:
Thom wrote:This weekend I went in the liars club.

I promptly left.

No offense to anyone, just not my thing.

not even close.
yeah, i guess vagina isnt for everyone.

Hahaha. Yea man, they must not see what we see. Its such an easy job. I dance around for 6+ hours, get my ass grabbed a lot and pick up empty bottles/glasses. It payz the billz.

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Re: we finally got music

Post by Varg » Mon Sep 29, 2008 9:04 am

Varg wrote:
Bullet Tooth wrote:the tall dude in question is his friend carl. about 6'8" and 150. vargs bringing out the big guns.

lets start a list of people taking care of varg's business for him:

1) "the heist"
2) his two lawyer uncles
3) carl

i could have sworn there was more. somebody fill that in.
I heard your shit-talking isn't limited to this board- you also find it necessary to post on other boards about your social issues. I don't know what your problem is, but I would guess it probably has something to do with the fact that you were picked on for being a fat kid all the time- and now you're trying to exact some sort of revenge, the only way you know how- the internet and keeping people out of Liars.

You have had COUNTLESS opportunities to do something about your cock envy- but it was YOU who punked out. It was Tony and I who went out of our way to see YOU at the Mews- you had a bunch of friends there, and YOU did NOTHING. From that point on, you had no reason to talk any sort of shit. You had your chance and failed. Now I'm twice as big as I was then.....and you think everybody is going to believe that I'm afraid of you and that I'm the pussy?
You even had a chance BEFORE that- at the old HOB. You were there (again,you were there with three friends) mumbled something from your seat and then promptly left. You wanna make fun of skinny people- I was only about 170 lbs then- and you still did nothing.
I told you when I would be at Liars...almost a month in advance, and then you conveniently had to help somebody move. ( 11 p.m.-2 a.m.? You hangin' out with Vampires brah?)

The reason Carl was brought into this was because he's better friends with Earl than I am, and he's on pretty good terms with most of the doormen. Earl pierced my ears awhile back for free, but that was because I'm friends with someone who works at Sacred Skin (that's originally how I know Earl)- it wasn't until later that same night that we both found out we were friends with Carl. I wouldn't even say I'm friends with the guy- probably not even on a "I know your name" basis- but he recognizes me and anytime I'd see him there (which hasn't been for awhile) we would talk briefly.
My understanding is that Carl is good enough friends with him- that your two months of employment will not trump that. Therefore, you cannot and will not, keep me out. If Earl says I can go in, then I'm pretty sure you're gonna have to let me in, no matter how small your penis is.
If he respects his employees more than his friends, that's fine too. In fact if you really made an issue of it and told him you didn't want me in there and he said that was fine- I wouldn't be surprised at all. But again, I gotta tell you, I think he ultimately has more say in it than you do. I don't know why Carl didn't show up. Maybe you should ask him, instead of asking me. (Are you having me fight your battles for you now?)
I'm pretty sure next time he speaks with Earl, the issue of you will be touched upon briefly.

And really, my question is- Why...when I am in Boston, MA- an entire different time zone away, would you threaten to kick me out of Liars? If that's not the dumbest, most illogical, ape-like chest pounding homo-erotic, act of machoism I have ever seen on a message board, than it is easily the second most.

Speaking of ape-like thinking processes, do you even know why you are such a cunt? More specifically, such a cunt towards me? I bet you don't. I bet you just go with the flow.

So, let's recap:
I send Tony to fight my battles for me: No, I went with Tony to the mews and you had a bunch of your friends there- and nothing happened. Strike one.

I send Carl to fight my battles for me: No, he didn't even show up. LOL. Strike two..

I send my "two uncle lawyers" to fight for me: No, not yet. But I'm pretty sure if you keep it up I could work something out like deformation of character or slander. I dunno, what do you think crumpty? And that'd definitely be a strike three- yer out.

Oh, and I just got done talking to Carl. Word for word: "Not only did we go to Liar's for THREE hours, but guess who I didn't see?"
---success in social interaction lies in making them afraid to see you disapprove


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Re: we finally got music

Post by Joe » Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:07 pm



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Re: we finally got music

Post by Joe » Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:19 pm

Varg wrote:Speaking of ape-like thinking processes, do you even know why you are such a cunt? More specifically, such a cunt towards me? I bet you don't. I bet you just go with the flow.
you make me cry
:( :(


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Re: we finally got music

Post by Hank Fist » Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:22 pm

Joe wrote:Image


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Re: we finally got music

Post by Bullet Tooth » Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:06 am

Varg wrote:
Bullet Tooth wrote:the tall dude in question is his friend carl. about 6'8" and 150. vargs bringing out the big guns.

lets start a list of people taking care of varg's business for him:

1) "the heist"
2) his two lawyer uncles
3) carl

i could have sworn there was more. somebody fill that in.
I heard your shit-talking isn't limited to this board- you also find it necessary to post on other boards about your social issues. I don't know what your problem is, but I would guess it probably has something to do with the fact that you were picked on for being a fat kid all the time- and now you're trying to exact some sort of revenge, the only way you know how- the internet and keeping people out of Liars.

You have had COUNTLESS opportunities to do something about your cock envy- but it was YOU who punked out. It was Tony and I who went out of our way to see YOU at the Mews- you had a bunch of friends there, and YOU did NOTHING. From that point on, you had no reason to talk any sort of shit. You had your chance and failed. Now I'm twice as big as I was then.....and you think everybody is going to believe that I'm afraid of you and that I'm the pussy?
You even had a chance BEFORE that- at the old HOB. You were there (again,you were there with three friends) mumbled something from your seat and then promptly left. You wanna make fun of skinny people- I was only about 170 lbs then- and you still did nothing.
I told you when I would be at Liars...almost a month in advance, and then you conveniently had to help somebody move. ( 11 p.m.-2 a.m.? You hangin' out with Vampires brah?)

The reason Carl was brought into this was because he's better friends with Earl than I am, and he's on pretty good terms with most of the doormen. Earl pierced my ears awhile back for free, but that was because I'm friends with someone who works at Sacred Skin (that's originally how I know Earl)- it wasn't until later that same night that we both found out we were friends with Carl. I wouldn't even say I'm friends with the guy- probably not even on a "I know your name" basis- but he recognizes me and anytime I'd see him there (which hasn't been for awhile) we would talk briefly.
My understanding is that Carl is good enough friends with him- that your two months of employment will not trump that. Therefore, you cannot and will not, keep me out. If Earl says I can go in, then I'm pretty sure you're gonna have to let me in, no matter how small your penis is.
If he respects his employees more than his friends, that's fine too. In fact if you really made an issue of it and told him you didn't want me in there and he said that was fine- I wouldn't be surprised at all. But again, I gotta tell you, I think he ultimately has more say in it than you do. I don't know why Carl didn't show up. Maybe you should ask him, instead of asking me. (Are you having me fight your battles for you now?)
I'm pretty sure next time he speaks with Earl, the issue of you will be touched upon briefly.

And really, my question is- Why...when I am in Boston, MA- an entire different time zone away, would you threaten to kick me out of Liars? If that's not the dumbest, most illogical, ape-like chest pounding homo-erotic, act of machoism I have ever seen on a message board, than it is easily the second most.

Speaking of ape-like thinking processes, do you even know why you are such a cunt? More specifically, such a cunt towards me? I bet you don't. I bet you just go with the flow.

So, let's recap:
I send Tony to fight my battles for me: No, I went with Tony to the mews and you had a bunch of your friends there- and nothing happened. Strike one.

I send Carl to fight my battles for me: No, he didn't even show up. LOL. Strike two..

I send my "two uncle lawyers" to fight for me: No, not yet. But I'm pretty sure if you keep it up I could work something out like deformation of character or slander. I dunno, what do you think crumpty? And that'd definitely be a strike three- yer out.

Bullet Tooth wrote:
yeah, i guess vagina isnt for everyone.
Yeah, I bet you get maaad pussy there. I hear the slutz that hang out there are into dudes with neck rolls.
theres nothing really to reply to here. youre typing just to type.

the only thing i'd like to say is that ive never seen you at hob. you got me and leabo mixed up. (edit: i thought about this and i think you mean when ed, ace and i went to the old hob to see who you were. you cant seriously count this in anything. your imagination is very vivid)

edit: about the 8-30 appearance: you can check my posts. i didnt post from early august to mid september. i had no computer.
Last edited by Bullet Tooth on Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: we finally got music

Post by Bullet Tooth » Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:08 am

Varg wrote:
Oh, and I just got done talking to Carl. Word for word: "Not only did we go to Liar's for THREE hours, but guess who I didn't see?"

LOL i have coworkers on the board. you really going to try pulling that lie out of your ass?

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Re: we finally got music

Post by Bullet Tooth » Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:10 pm

try again this weekend?

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Re: we finally got music

Post by Big Fat Retard » Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:16 pm

Varg wrote: But I'm pretty sure if you keep it up I could work something out like deformation of character or slander.
How does one go about deforming another's character?
I poop on Petland!

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Re: we finally got music

Post by Big Fat Retard » Fri Oct 03, 2008 11:00 pm

I poop on Petland!

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Re: we finally got music

Post by Potter » Sat Oct 04, 2008 6:13 am

Bullet Tooth wrote:
Varg wrote:
Oh, and I just got done talking to Carl. Word for word: "Not only did we go to Liar's for THREE hours, but guess who I didn't see?"

LOL i have coworkers on the board. you really going to try pulling that lie out of your ass?

LOL. Don't worry Varg, Zach was there but he's any easy guy to miss. :roll:

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Re: we finally got music

Post by tylerjames515 » Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:02 pm

Knuckled Down rules, GOOD dudes making GOOD jams.
Rooster wrote:cant worship the devil unless you are 21 now

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Re: we finally got music

Post by Smoking Guns » Mon Oct 06, 2008 5:31 pm

good dudes making boring drama.

and they can't even score any pcp in chicago.

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Re: we finally got music

Post by El Rhino » Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:09 pm

They're good dudes.

:::thumbs up::::

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Re: we finally got music

Post by Varg » Tue Oct 07, 2008 4:21 am

Bullet Tooth wrote:
Varg wrote:
Oh, and I just got done talking to Carl. Word for word: "Not only did we go to Liar's for THREE hours, but guess who I didn't see?"

LOL i have coworkers on the board. you really going to try pulling that lie out of your ass?

I quoted somebody....that's what quotations are for. You can't be THAT fucking stupid.
If you were there and didn't see him- take it up with him.
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Re: we finally got music

Post by joseph » Tue Oct 07, 2008 2:50 pm

Smoking Guns wrote:seriously. make out already.

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Re: we finally got music

Post by Bullet Tooth » Sun Dec 14, 2008 9:54 pm

we successfully recorded our demo yesterday and today. the rough cut sounds really good. not sure how long this all takes but you will be seeing/hearing it soon.

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