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Miley Cyrus noodz leaked:

Post by Varg » Tue Aug 26, 2008 4:58 pm ... cking.aspx

"GALLUP Daily: McCain Takes Lead After Biden Pick..."

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Re: Miley Cyrus noodz leaked:

Post by moltar » Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:13 pm

Good luck with that. With the kind of excitement the McCain campaign is pulling, this is going to be a one party race before it's over.

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Re: Miley Cyrus noodz leaked:

Post by joseph » Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:44 am

moltar wrote:this is going to be a one party race before it's over.
it already is

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Re: Miley Cyrus noodz leaked:

Post by Varg » Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:37 pm

storkus wrote:Funny how the McCain campaign before only focused on the "Likely Voter" poll, which is regarded by many as being a more sophisticated metric. Now that he dropped around 7 points in that one, apparently we're not looking in the right place.

Polls are fluid and are becoming unreliable in the modern age. At this point in the election, even the political futures market is more reliable than most polls. How does it make you feel that, according to them, John McCain has a better chance of picking the surefire loser Mitt Romney for his Vice Presidential running mate, than he does of becoming president? Pretty dismal.

Also, since when do you support a candidate who believes in man-made global warming? Shouldn't you be taking a moral sabbatical from this election? Guess you're not the from-my-cold-dead-hands staunch neo-con that we all thought. No, you're just a small opportunistic hypocritical pussy.

LOL.... I post an article citing a recent poll and say nothing but "ok"... and ALL OF A SUDDEN I'M SUPPORTING JOHN MCCAIN. See what I mean by "you're one of the dumbest mother-fuckers on this board"?

Over a year ago, I vowed to NOT support Mitt Romney, who I assumed would win the nomination.....not even thinking McCain had a chance in hell because of his amnesty bill with Kennedy. BOY WAS I IN FOR A SURPRISE.
Roughly a year ago I was VERY open about my disgust with Mitt Romney and I pissed off a lot of people at the Romney tent at the Straw Poll. I asked some of his workers why Mitt Romney was running ads down in Florida in SPANISH. I've NEVER seen people change their moods so fast in my life. They were quite offended and only offered some explanation about "his spanish speaking supporters.." to which I asked about his stance on illegal-immigration and how this is hypocritical because as far as I know, when you take a citizenship's in English. (Can't verify that- wouldn't be surprised at all to find out that's not true; But the Romney supporters had no fucking clue so I went with it) So citizens would have to understand English- therefore I suppose there isn't a need to advertise in Spanish. They were pissssssssssed.

One week later- I was at the state fair and I was standing outside the little booth 98.3 broadcasts out of and asked Mac to step out because he had made some remarks about Tom Tancredo that were skewed or not true...can't remember now. During a commercial break he came out to talk to me and I explained to him that he had a RESPONSIBILITY, because of the position he was in, to represent the candidates fairly (like he was claiming to do) and not openly support one while dogging the other.

He said thanks for listening etc. we started walking away, then he yelled at me and asked me if I wanted to go on the air and say what I just said- so of course I had to. Tom Coates was in there and some other guy, and the five of us (bradshaw too) debated the whole thing for just over 20 minutes. I told them exactly what I said above about Romney (on the air) and voiced my support for Tom Tancredo- who supports making English the OFFICIAL LANGUAGE of the U.S and who I saw as the only "real" candidate. NOBODY was talking about McCain. Coates was a Tancredo supporter as well I believe so it went over pretty well.

So, as you can see, I have publicly stated my opinion of Romney, and I can tell you that I LOATHE McCain far more than Romney.
I support Miley Cyrus nudes far more than either of the two of them (no pedo).
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Re: Miley Cyrus noodz leaked:

Post by Joe » Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:40 pm

Varg wrote:to which I asked about his stance on illegal-immigration and how this is hypocritical because as far as I know, when you take a citizenship's in English. (Can't verify that- wouldn't be surprised at all to find out that's not true; But the Romney supporters had no fucking clue so I went with it) So citizens would have to understand English- therefore I suppose there isn't a need to advertise in Spanish. They were pissssssssssed.
It's in plenty of different languages.


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Re: Miley Cyrus noodz leaked:

Post by elliot » Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:54 pm

Varg wrote:I told them exactly what I said above about Romney (on the air) and voiced my support for Tom Tancredo- who supports making English the OFFICIAL LANGUAGE of the U.S and who I saw as the only "real" candidate.
Once you start throwing around bullshit like this, you lose all credibility. All of it. Because it proves that you have a narrow, xenophobic view of the world, and you will be phased out.

This is why I don't really argue with you. Because what you think is going to be obsolete in a decade or two anyway. But hey, keep givin them foreigners hell! I'm sure it's fun!

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Re: Miley Cyrus noodz leaked:

Post by El Rhino » Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:27 pm

elliot wrote:like this, you lose all credibility. All of it. Because it proves that you have a narrow, xenophobic view of the world, and you will be phased out.

While I wouldn't say Tancredo was the only "real" candidate, I agree with the sentiments. I'm glad to know that coming up with my own conclusions that don't match up with yours makes my line of thinking narrow, thank you.

Anyways, you bring up an interesting point, Elliot... You say that in a couple of decades Varg's line of thinking will be obsolete and "phased out" and certainly there is demographic evidence pointing towards this.

How do you think white liberals like yourself are going to fare when this happens (around 2040-ish)? I have my own ideas, but I'm curious to know if you think this would be a good thing and suddenly you'll have a liberal utopia in the US.

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Re: Miley Cyrus noodz leaked:

Post by Varg » Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:44 am

elliot wrote:
Once you start throwing around bullshit like this, you lose all credibility. All of it. Because it proves that you have a narrow, xenophobic view of the world, and you will be phased out.

This is why I don't really argue with you. Because what you think is going to be obsolete in a decade or two anyway. But hey, keep givin them foreigners hell! I'm sure it's fun!

Lose ALL credibility? In what? Music? Politics? Math? EVERYTHING? I wasn't even AWARE I still had credibility- THANKS. You're a fuckbag. And one of these days, when you finally decide to grow up, you'll realize "peace" in this world is not an option and you'll have to "compromise" or in adult-speak "use your fucking head". Do you think anybody REALLY wants war? No. Even dictators try to avoid war.....remember when Hitler just marched in to Austria. You think he would've rather had that drug out?
You think if you get rid of all the weapons in the world there won't be violence? Shit, just look at what happens when you get a bunch of college kids together and give them beer...and on a larger scale VIESHEA. Yeah.

Very xenophobic, yes....wanting English as the official language of the U.S. might as well through them in a cotton field and whip them into shape. Pun intended.

Worry not El Rhino, according to this TERRIFYING video: ... geId=73464
obama plans to disarm the military by drastically cutting spending and saying good-bye to weapons research and development. The foreigners (oh wow, I guess I REALLY AM XENOPHOBIC?!?!) will trample us in now time- and we'll be left to rebuild saying "oh gee I guess we shouldn't let that happen again..." and then we'll all have a hearty chuckle......That is of course provided that Russia doesn't just completely ANNIHILATE us.

No weapons defense vs. Russia- GOOD IDEA.
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Re: Miley Cyrus noodz leaked:

Post by El Rhino » Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:09 am

...or China.

I hadn't seen the video. Not surprising as most liberals think that the United States is the sole problem in the world and everyone else is peaceful, worldly, cultured but oppressed by American imperialism.... Except the white South Africans and maybe the Chinese.

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Re: Miley Cyrus noodz leaked:

Post by ilikehorses » Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:01 am

El Rhino wrote:...or China.

I hadn't seen the video. Not surprising as most liberals think that the United States is the sole problem in the world and everyone else is peaceful, worldly, cultured but oppressed by American imperialism.... Except the white South Africans and maybe the Chinese.
i don't want to get in a long, drawn-out argument over this ....AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN... but it's not that anyone believes that we're the only violent country, it's the fact that we ARE a violent country. and other countries being as violent or more violent does not justify our over-use of violence to get our way.

it's our choice to be JUST AS BAD as other countries, or we can strive to make the world a better place.
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Re: Miley Cyrus noodz leaked:

Post by robdigi » Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:23 am

Dear wingnuts,

reducing wasteful spending to reasonable levels when our abilities and weapons development are already light years ahead of everyone else's does not constitute disarming or weakening our military capabilities. nobody is going to let Russia or China get the upper hand there. reducing the development of nuclear weapons does not make us weaker- does anyone seriously think a return to the nuclear arms race makes ANYONE safer? there are more effective options when it comes to warfare.

plus, when your foreign policy actually works you also have to worry less about actually using these weapons. not to say we won't still carry a big (the biggest) stick, it's just going to be proportionate to its need.
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Re: Miley Cyrus noodz leaked:

Post by joseph » Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:37 am

robdigi wrote:Dear wingnuts,

reducing wasteful spending to reasonable levels when our abilities and weapons development are already light years ahead of everyone else's does not constitute disarming or weakening our military capabilities. nobody is going to let Russia or China get the upper hand there. reducing the development of nuclear weapons does not make us weaker- does anyone seriously think a return to the nuclear arms race makes ANYONE safer? there are more effective options when it comes to warfare.

plus, when your foreign policy actually works you also have to worry less about actually using these weapons. not to say we won't still carry a big (the biggest) stick, it's just going to be proportionate to its need.
dear nutwings,
the reason our military is "light years" ahead is because the other countries mentioned outnumber us. russia or china have the "upperhand" in willingness to send their forces to deaths in large numbers. and if any of our enemies(?) joined each other we would more than likely left to our own resources(no coalitions). Our own citizens dont back us why would other countries?

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Re: Miley Cyrus noodz leaked:

Post by robdigi » Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:04 pm

Although neocon foreign policy has weakened our position in the world, we still have many allies. It's not just us vs. the world. Russia and China are still relatively isolated when compared to the US and our strategic partners.

Our own citizens dont back us why would other countries?
I dunno, how about NATO and the host of other defense alliances we have with various regions and individual nations worldwide? Just because they rightfully did not back us in the Iraq war (although many nations still decided to help regardless) does not mean they will not be effective should a real need for military defense arise.

What makes you think the citizens of this country don't support our defense? There's a huge gap between legitimate military defense and unjustified, unfocused preemptive action that only serves to weaken our ability to respond should real danger present itself.
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Re: Miley Cyrus noodz leaked:

Post by robdigi » Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:07 pm

BTW this thread




re: n00dz
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Re: Miley Cyrus noodz leaked:

Post by joseph » Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:17 pm

robdigi wrote: What makes you think the citizens of this country don't support our defense?
robdigi wrote:There's a huge gap between legitimate military defense and unjustified, unfocused preemptive action that only serves to weaken our ability to respond should real danger present itself.
i get it we disagree. its the best part. thats why were a democracy.

i do agree with you that this thread does not deliver.

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Re: Miley Cyrus noodz leaked:

Post by robdigi » Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:23 pm

Yes, we disagree about that, but Iraq is one small piece of a very large puzzle making up our foreign policy and the defense of our country.

When shit actually hits the fan, we can still count on our allies, and on our citizens coming together in support of our defense.
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Re: Miley Cyrus noodz leaked:

Post by Hank Fist » Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:38 pm

El Rhino wrote:
How do you think white liberals like yourself are going to fare when this happens (around 2040-ish)? I have my own ideas, but I'm curious to know if you think this would be a good thing and suddenly you'll have a liberal utopia in the US.
When white's become the minority? I'll make sure my kids marry into the new majority for a free pass.

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Re: Miley Cyrus noodz leaked:

Post by robdigi » Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:44 pm

Here's my cultural defense platform when I run for office:


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Re: Miley Cyrus noodz leaked:

Post by El Rhino » Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:15 pm

robdigi wrote: nobody is going to let Russia or China get the upper hand there.
Well, they're working on it. While they have a long ways to go, like Joseph said being light years ahead is our ace in the hole. Should the need arise, we're going to wish we had built up our navy, developed better aircraft and so-on.

[/quote]reducing the development of nuclear weapons does not make us weaker- does anyone seriously think a return to the nuclear arms race makes ANYONE safer? there are more effective options when it comes to warfare.[/quote]

If you can think of something more effective than throwing a few nukes their way, I'm sure the Department of Defense would love to hear about it.

Obama did mention nuclear arms and in a perfect world I would like to see no nukes, but he also mentioned other things....and that's what I'm worried about.
plus, when your foreign policy actually works you also have to worry less about actually using these weapons. not to say we won't still carry a big (the biggest) stick, it's just going to be proportionate to its need.
When it comes to the Chinese, North Koreans, Iranians*, etc I think I would still rather have a large and effective military between us than to think that the leaders of these countries are going to swoon over Obama and fall over themselves trying to negoiate with us.

Don't get me wrong, I think diplomacy is a good thing and I'd rather see us with countries in Western Europe, South America and Canada a little more on our side as well as developing the ties we've built in Eastern Europe and Central Asia as of recent. We're always going to disagree (because they're fag countries), but it shouldn't be this bad. However, I think we need to make sure we have a really good "Plan B" incase diplomacy fails...which it often does.

* In favor of diplomatic actions with Iran as opposed to bombing them.

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Re: Miley Cyrus noodz leaked:

Post by El Rhino » Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:12 am

Ha ha.

I just prefer my culture and want it to be around for a little while.

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