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Big Fat Retard
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Bad cop, no donut.

Post by Big Fat Retard » Mon Aug 11, 2008 3:10 am

I poop on Petland!

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El Rhino
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Re: Bad cop, no donut.

Post by El Rhino » Mon Aug 11, 2008 5:59 am

Officer Barbara Nevers of the Belmont police district was suspended for 15 months and ordered into counseling after she was found guilty of demanding free Starbucks coffee from five different stores on the North Side from 2001 to 2004, sometimes flashing her badge, displaying her gun and screaming at employees.

I found this on another message board, posted by Chicago PD:

"I worked with her, she is absolutly psycho. Never should have passed the Psych test."

"She's been a whack job since day one.
Her hubby was a big shot on the fire department and she always got taken care of.
Anybody else would have been fired, she gets her job back.

Nice system in place."

"Just a few facts about this one... Barb Nevers is assigned to 019, but she has been detailed to callback for at least 10 yrs, if not, more. She was sent there for psychological reasons ('cuz she's nuts). She hasn't worked the streets in ages. She trained in another North Side district (I believe it was 020) and no F.T.O. would pass her. They then sent her to 019, where she somehow passed. How this ever happened is a mystery, but there was talk that she threatened to sue based on discrimination due to sexual orientation. She would often talk to herself too. She was afraid of her own shadow, and eventually, wouldn't go out on the street...thus ending up at callback. She DID go into several Starbuck's in 019 and 023 (off duty) during the years in question, and expect free coffee from these places. When she didn't get it for free, she would throw a fit (like I said, she's un-balanced) and demand it free "'cuz she was the police". I.A.D. was notified, and they caught her in the act at a Starbuck's in 019 in 2004. If I'm not mistaken, she has a mugshot in the system. She HAS ABSOLUTELY NO BUSINESS BEING ON THIS JOB, and yet, they've kept her on all these years. Granted, she's not out on the streets anymore, but she shouldn't have ever been hired in the first place."

Here's the best one:

"Anonymous said...
I think that she was the one in the academy that **** in the cup for the piss test. Not the sharpest individual. She use to brush her teeth obsessively. She obviously didn't want coffee stains. 15 years in Belmont Dist.??

8/08/2008 03:18:00 AM

Yes, she did...not in the academy, but at the initial pee test. I was detailed to Personnel at the time. Nothing like seeing a little bit of turd floating in the cup when she brought it to be split, sealed, signed etc.

Her husband was a Deputy Fire Commissioner, I guess he still has his clout.

She went to 020 for her field training, she ran into "problems" after a week or so with her Patrol Specialist and went to 019 on a phone order.

8/08/2008 09:33:00 AM"

My guess: Affirmative action hire.

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