Places and Times to Mosh in the Near Future

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Re: August 6th -- From the Depths, Powerplant, more....

Post by little foot » Thu Aug 07, 2008 4:57 pm

really good show.
every time you use your cell phone around my kids i am gonna blow smoke in your face. cancer is cancer.

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Re: August 6th -- From the Depths, Powerplant, more....

Post by tylerjames515 » Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:15 pm

path of misery brought it.
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Re: August 6th -- From the Depths, Powerplant, more....

Post by TooManyHumyns » Fri Aug 08, 2008 5:26 pm

show was tight, all the bands were really good, kinda bummed i had to leave like halfway through the 2nd song of FTD's set...but i just downloaded it and its rad.......brian(crimethinc./FTD's) told me to kill myself...i wish i would have told him to go kill children in honduras...since you know crimethinc. is a propaganda machine and there shirts were made in honduras...idk...i felt cynical....makes good music though

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Re: August 6th -- From the Depths, Powerplant, more....

Post by ilikehorses » Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:12 pm

TooManyHumyns wrote:show was tight, all the bands were really good, kinda bummed i had to leave like halfway through the 2nd song of FTD's set...but i just downloaded it and its rad.......brian(crimethinc./FTD's) told me to kill myself...i wish i would have told him to go kill children in honduras...since you know crimethinc. is a propaganda machine and there shirts were made in honduras...idk...i felt cynical....makes good music though
explain how/why he told you to kill yourself? i haven't listened to the recording yet and i don't remember what he said at points in the set.
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Re: August 6th -- From the Depths, Powerplant, more....

Post by TooManyHumyns » Sat Aug 09, 2008 2:19 am

he didn't say it during the set....his comments came when the topic of smoking emerged ...i said i smoked...he asked me why, i said because it keeps me sane...i followed by saying that i know its stupid and there are better ways to keep my stress levels down, and eventually i would like to truely quit but im not going to now...and that i was happy with my life now...nobodys perfect, and i'm either gonna die old and miserable, or die from lung cancer or something else else younger while im at least still happy and can still take care of myself...he then said 'why don't you just kill yourself now"...he said it with a smirk of sorts, in a semi-joking way, but you could still tell that what he said is how he felt...i said because im happy and content with my imperfections...yeah, anybody can argue against smoking, i made a poor decision to start smoking at age 13, and again later on after i quit and surprisingly enough was sXe for a little over a year...but woops, started smoking again, and never stopped for longer than that.... but if your going to tell somebody to kill themselves essentially because of their flaws, then you may wanna at least consider the fact that your philosophies are your own...(to each his own)NOT ONE PERSON is going to have one hundred percent identical ideals as another... and that brian himself isn't even a perfect replica of what he has drawn up in a lot of the writings put out by crimethinc....for example- their shirts being made from some shit factory in honduras...idk, its a double standard in a sense, my tobacco is at least grown and manufactured in the especially irked me since i just gave his band 15 bucks...and then to turn around and play the role of the holy one is just annoying...which is why im so cynical about crimethinc.....'hey working is fucked, and you just say your happy with your job to justify working, so you shouldn't work, and just drop out..., but can we crash on your couch and eat some food' huh? interesting, being as you generally need to PAY rent to a landlord, and the other bills that go into living on your own... and the chances are that your getting the money from WORKING...idk, i know at leat 2-4 of you will blatantly disagree with me on this but, i think i have a valid point...which is NOBODY is a perfect, i highly doubt any self proclaimed anarchist lives up to their standards 100percent....accept it, have fun, not everything in the world needs to bring you down, or spark a discussion or lecture...i was just trying to joke with the guy, and make light of my fatal, its late and im tired, and this probably doesnt make sense...and my spelling/grammar is probably all fucked up...expect and edit of sorts tomorrow...
somebody told me a few weeks ago, that libertarians are anarchists without balls...any self proclaimed anarchist may wanna re-evaluate their situation...because as long as were making ourselves dependent on the hand that feeds, were just as much a part of the 'problem' then the next person...i'm sure he's a good, nice, solid dood, and has influenced a shit ton of people in his day to re-evaluate their lives, but he kinda pissed me off..

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Re: August 6th -- From the Depths, Powerplant, more....

Post by @nonymous » Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:44 pm

of course brian's not perfect. there are many things about him that bother me, just like anyone i guess. i really doubt he meant you should literally kill yourself--if anything he was probably getting at the fact that you sounded like "i'm gonna die someday, so nothing really matters". . .yeah so, if nothing matters, kill yourself. who knows, he's hard to interpret sometimes.

for the record, i can promise that their shirts weren't paid for, just like most of the food they eat and even the car they were driving. they really do live alternative lifestyles that come very close to what they speak of, but it's only possible through the community they have.

and there is plenty of CrimethInc. material out there that clearly states that not everyone can afford to quit their job. anyways, i understand why that frustrates you, it would me too.

i suggest you write him an email about it and say that it bothered you. i promise you'll get a thoughtful response and probably clear everything up. pm me for his email if you want.
"Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats" - H. L. Mencken

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Re: August 6th -- From the Depths, Powerplant, more....

Post by TooManyHumyns » Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:32 pm

@nonymous wrote:of course brian's not perfect. there are many things about him that bother me, just like anyone i guess. i really doubt he meant you should literally kill yourself--if anything he was probably getting at the fact that you sounded like "i'm gonna die someday, so nothing really matters". . .yeah so, if nothing matters, kill yourself. who knows, he's hard to interpret sometimes.
i definately didn't say that nothing really matters, my main point is that im going to die one way or another, i'd rather die youngish(50's maybe...idk) and happy than old and miserable and i've accepted that, but untill then im going to be happy with my imperfections, and accept them for the time being and maybe eventually fix em'....if its not lung cancer from smoking, im sure it will be some other type of cancer...cant really escape it...i would be interested in his email address sure i can find it on the web glad to hear that it is likely their shirts were not paid for...but even then you can argue supply and demand to a certain extent...oh well its not really important...of my 4? experiences with and around him, i've gotten the impression that I am insignificant in the 'radical community' or whatever because I, like a lot of the people involved don't do as much as they could for the movement...because you know, everybody has their own philosophy...even if the shit hit the fan, and some land somewhere was declared sovergn by a radical community alot of these problems would still exist...nobody will ever be happy with the world around them, even if they get exactly what they want, because everybody wants something different...ok, this is going way off topic...i may make a new topic based off of these ideas, just because im curious...

the show was sweet, wish i coulda seen their whole set...bummer, i'm sure i will get the chance to see it again.

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